Supreme Council
Joined: 2006/11/16 19:25 Last Login
: Yesterday 16:28
From Sweden
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The idea behind the <insert name> organization is for it to act as a Amiga community Open Source Research and Development department.
Content - The main goals - Open source - A rough timeline - Infrastructure - Needed personell
The main goals
- Enhance the AmigaOS 4 experience - Provide useful information for OS4 developers - Research advanced topics like multi user support
Everything that <insert name> produces shall be done with the intent of some day be included in the main AmigaOS4 distribution made by Hyperion.
Open source
Open source presents a few strong points that other methods doesn't offer.
These are the reason for proposing to use Open Source for the <insert name> organization:
- Experience gained from one project can be reused in another - The source code can act as school book examples for other developers - The source isn't depending on one single person or entity. If the person loses interest the source can keep living on. - Anyone can contribute to the code ( though of course governed by the leader of a specific project).
A rough timeline
- First off the project needs to gather interest, finding the manpower to drive it. And from that form a group of people, containing say 5 developers and a few others. All with an interest to bring things forward.
- An initial forum needs to be set up or found. (already done)
- Then that work group needs to define the overall goal for the organization
- After the overall goal is set some discussion must ensue:
Infra structure: like source repositories, bounty systems, discussion forums Licensing Work flows and definitions What projects to do, and which to not do. (defining What is an application, what is an OS function)
- The work group then contacts Hyperion in some manner, presenting the case and ask for their view
- The work group then discusses Hyperions' reaction and defines how to move on
- The work group decides on some basic infra structure
- The work group implements the first license scheme(s)
- The work group implements infrastructure
- The work group defines project groups and initial projects
There's some issues here that the Work group needs to discuss:
- Do we use our own cvs/svn or an existing one, such as sourceforge? - What web sites do we need? Forums, wikis etc.
Balanced between what we can do ourselves in terms of manpower and using shortcuts like existing solutions.
Needed personell
- Developers and others who can join the main work group - Interested parties that provide feedback in the forums - People who can write developer guides and guidelines (howtos, do's and don'ts) - Web developers for building the infrastructure - People who gather available developer documentation from the net
Edited by orgin on 2008/7/8 10:43:03 Edited by orgin on 2008/7/8 10:43:26 Edited by orgin on 2008/7/8 15:23:46 Edited by orgin on 2008/7/8 15:38:31 Edited by orgin on 2008/7/8 15:49:28 Edited by orgin on 2008/7/8 15:51:06 Edited by orgin on 2008/7/8 15:51:23 Edited by orgin on 2008/7/8 17:23:30