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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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When you open a library you can always check against a specific version and than change path until right version is found, if ever..
Anyway probably in AmigaOs you can't load two or more libraries with same name, Is it right?

Memento audere semper!
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Hello Raziel,

I'm on your build 2.10.0git from November 18, 2024. this build is already working very well, but what I sorely miss is the support for the Wintermute3D engine, this seems to be included in this version?

Or did I miss something?

Edit: Problem solved ScummVM Clib4 supports the Wintermute Engine

Edited by Maijestro on 2024/12/7 17:39:23
MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Home away from home
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wintermute is supported and included
wintermute3d is considered unstable (untested, probably full of bugs and still in development) and thus not included

see also here (especially the 3D parts - not implemented)


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Raziel wrote:@Maijestro

wintermute is supported and included
wintermute3d is considered unstable (untested, probably full of bugs and still in development) and thus not included

Yes, I played around a bit with the wintermute 3D engine and tried out a few games. Like you said it's very buggy, but the stuff that ran reasonably well looked great and was smooth to play.

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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I've compiled a new clib4 version with all latest changes to test new clib4 memory allocator. When I find some time (if..) I'll put it somewhere

i'm really tired...
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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afxgroup wrote:I've compiled a new clib4 version with all latest changes to test new clib4 memory allocator. When I find some time (if..) I'll put it somewhere

You make me happy I'm always ready for a few tests with the new Clib4 version of ScummVM.

Although I have to say that Raziel's last build has improved enormously in terms of speed, "Broken Sword 2.5: The Return of the Templars" is an example of this, I've never been able to play it smoothly on real hardware, now it's absolutely playable.

MacStudio ARM M1 Max Qemu//Pegasos2 AmigaOs4.1 FE / AmigaOne x5000/40 AmigaOs4.1 FE
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Just popping in

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I've compiled a new clib4 version with all latest changes to test new clib4 memory allocator. When I find some time (if..) I'll put it somewhere

I look forward to testing your new clib4 version on my a1222

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Just popping in

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I've had some games ask for an assignment to "timestamp:" when saving a game. Is this a known issue?

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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this could pop up if you don't have a usable save drawer.

which games would that be?


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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The one that I remember most recently is Rama

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Home away from home
Home away from home

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rama uses the sci32 engine which is under heavy development, easy that a regression snuck in.

please wait for the official release, which should be due at the end of this year and try again.

if the error persists, please open a bug item on the tracker


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Just popping in

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Blasy, was hoping for some sort of simple user error. Will wait. I"m also not able to run the Might and Magic games (I have DLed the filed from GOG, they work on the Windows 2.8.1 SCUMM, but a direct copy to the X1000 and the don't work there. :( )

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Home away from home
Home away from home

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please start scummvm from console with
scummvm -d5

and post what it prints here (after the whole gl4es init, if you should use that)

edit. needless to say, i don't own any of those games, so can't test myself


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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Setting 640 x 480 -> 512 x 384 -- 1.25
generateZipSet: Loaded pack file: gui-icons.dat
FSDirectory::createReadStreamForMember('fonts.dat') -> 'Games:scummvm/extras/fonts.dat'
FSDirectory::createReadStreamForMember('fonts.dat') -> 'Games:scummvm/extras/fonts.dat'
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_A' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_Y' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_UP' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_DOWN' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_LEFT' not known
HardwareInput with ID 'JOY_RIGHT' not known
Setting 640 x 480 -> 512 x 384 -- 1.25
WARNING: Detection entry for 'agi:ddp' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (6cc7d630c2771ade7058460a765e0cb9)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:robertredford1' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (8f80c91d160e333ab7f6be5208ea0533)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:falconcity' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (e816b31cfe3512c2ec24ac0bc6cfc605)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:earlbobby3' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (0e32c4b3380e286dc0cea8550f1c045e)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:klopoty' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (792c0a0eaeba1a8846cb7b1af1e3266e)
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WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:murderinminnesota' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (495d45fb8adfd49690ae3b97921feec6)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:murderinminnesota' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (495d45fb8adfd49690ae3b97921feec6)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:roughdiamond' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (06a03fe35791b0578068ab1873455463)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:acureforthecommoncold' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (06a03fe35791b0578068ab1873455463)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:advbunnybunnyman' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (23a67b6de10ec35e9f5a4dfc7d928222)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:alandlordsdream' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (0241777c2537fc5d077c05cde10bfa9f)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:alandlordsdream' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (9cd9563150a69bc1d4eacda0ff3557f8)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:alandlordsdream' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (7db052bc30700d1f30f5330f5814f519)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:alandlordsdream' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (63f8a60cc094996bd070e68cb3c4722c)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:anightthatwouldntend' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (0241777c2537fc5d077c05cde10bfa9f)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:bigfoot' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (23a67b6de10ec35e9f5a4dfc7d928222)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:deadsilence' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (5c5d4680def6954c0cd22e82dc07d4d4)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:dreamagine' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (256752c9a97b4780fc5e6f3239c8cdf1)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:fanbots' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (aecd482222ff54206e43a029b5f0b170)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:fanbots' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (c58d7c2d20e502e72a504f3f23a1d6da)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:fanbots' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (4b18403fd1d150321f50cff9232d7b28)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:girlandrabbit' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (82da2565c456dcfb265ded6fe3189c0b)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:girlandrabbit' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (82da2565c456dcfb265ded6fe3189c0b)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:hoik' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (3b7cceb3e4bdb031dc5d8f290936e94b)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:meninhats' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (e88fd6a23a5e498d7b0d50e3bb914085)
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WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:robertredford1' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (02635a77ab660023f59519c91329f7f5)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:robertredford3' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (71ca0d6c1c699595f28a2125948d4a84)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:thatdamndog' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (0241777c2537fc5d077c05cde10bfa9f)
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WARNING: Detection entry for 'ags:willowhouse' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (5bc696cf7178870b21db6ac87972befd)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'director:fff' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (1ae45c23586b41997ba52e2e7c771c4c)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'director:supersonic' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (1ae45c23586b41997ba52e2e7c771c4c)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'director:aromeinteractive' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (77f4098988d5386794d1530065f514cd)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'director:blaster' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (617725437da4d66c176a9e7011977097)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'director:kidtools' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (da65c64d0821c0d689f8a3ead9301a2a)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'director:mindbrain' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (54fbe8edce6731ba6e89c16fd3be8e6d)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'director:msoffice' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (09cc52110abd047f4fa78280f550e0bf)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'director:brspel' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (8d1bfc4ea72c1892412f2ecabb96c990)
WARNING: Detection entry for 'wintermute:nightinthefog' contains only blacklisted names. Add more files to the entry (73c88cb17e380ff72c2f1d156b4545e9)

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Home away from home
Home away from home

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i don't see any rama or might and magic mention...are you sure you tried to start one of the games?


It was fun while it lasted...

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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That was for M&M 1, I tried to add it, and it failed (even though straight copy from the working Windows install). I think I misunderstood you, and will try to start Rama that way after work

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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ah, ok, so M&M can't be added at all, do you get a warning window in ScummVM if you do?
Something like "Cannot find any game in the given directory"

Take a look in plugins/ and see if there is a "mm.plugin" there, if not than Might and Magic games will not be known

Which version of ScummVM is that?
The beta from my NAS or the clib4 version?

A start log of Rama would be interesting to have


It was fun while it lasted...

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Just popping in

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I'll do the checking when back form work, this is the 2.8.0 from OS4 Depot

It does give the error "Cannot find any game in the given directory"

If missing, where would I get the mm.plugin?

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Just popping in

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OK, just checked the SCUMM webpage, I didn't realize that 2.8.1 was available for OS4 there. I'm so used to NOT having the latest versions, I'd didn't even think to check. I see that installer has the mm.plugin, so will install that tonight.

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Home away from home
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Strange that it isn't in 2.8.0 but in 2.8.1 (.1 is normally only bug fix releases without any engine additions)

2.8.1 never made it to the depot because i was struglling to find a way to provide both binaries (gl, gl4es) without having to deal with two full packages.

Upcoming 2.9.0 will have both gl and gl4es binaries while sharing the rest of the package files


It was fun while it lasted...

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