(submitted as News too)

zTools 1.2 is available as a free update on AMIStore.This version contains updates for Installer, SysMon, aTunes, FastView and WebReplay.
See below for more details...
-zTools Installer 1.2 *
Fixed problem caused by WBRUN version (bug ?) of Final Edition
-FastView 3.5 *
Added a "Without Borders" option in Preferences to remove the border of the window in Full-screen view ("Maximized mode").
Better to show SlideShow
Without border, the Picture name is displayed by a Ringhio notification.
Hit "b" to toggle between Backgrounded mode (full-screen) and windowed mode.
Hit "Space" to toggle between scaled view and original size view
Default = ON
Added a "Save" button in SinglePicture Preferences to allow to change SinglePicture settings without to reboot
* Greatly improved the copy of files thanks to AmiOuest France team advices.
* Fixed a bug when loading musical files with embedded CoverArt
* Fixed a bug when loading an animated gif file before another picture
-SysMon 4.6 *
Added a "Send Signal" menu in Tasks tab to send predefined signals to running tasks
Added a TCP "Port scan" window in Netstat tab to scan remotes or locales URL or IP address for open ports.
If no TCP ports are found try to increase the timeout.
Added "Service" column in Netstat tab *
Added the Public name of the screen in the Screen title column of the Windows tab (between parenthesis)
See screenshots at the end of this News
-aTunes v2.4 * Added a menu option to "Copy to..." the selected songs
* Greatly improved the copy of files thanks to AmiOuest France team advices

-WebReplay v1.8 *
Added an option to Play the video as soon as it is downloaded * Fixed french JeuxVideo.com because some websites changes
* Added Date, Video length and Number of views for french JeuxVideo.com website
SysMon Port Scanner :
SysMon Signal :
SysMon Public Screen :