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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Was that a serious question about the hold up of release of OS components?

I think he was just being naive, still expecting that we could actually see some OS updates from Hyperion

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
Home away from home

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It was a serious question actually.
But I lost track of what is "os" and what is enhancer...and I frankly don't give a damn anymore.

So, sorry if I step on anyone's toes, but the whole "os" vs enhancer situation is so damn stupid that I don't really want to think about it.

And no, I'm not *that* naive to think that there will ever be something released from hyperion again what has amigaos4 printed on it.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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I did not get any email from mantis so the problem is still there, I'm afraid.

I'll take a look at the report manually when I get back home.

Wrt to the multiedit crash:

I'm going to try to reproduce it too when I'm back home.
Thanks for checking

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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Coming back to the ringhio thing . In you most recent test script you put PERCENTAGE with no argument and assumed the default was 0.

PERCENTAGE can not have "no argument" as it's a keyword so the next item on the row is 'eaten' as the argument. In this case it was UPDATE. Adding to your scripts layers of weirdness.

I'm going to set the N flag on all the numerical keywords, so the above would throw an error rather than silently drive you crazy!

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Ah, ok.
And I just saw that on that line exactly I have set a typo, using UPDATE"R" instead of UPDATE which will of course not be interpreted as switch...grmbl

Will check what changes in the output without the typo when I'm back home

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Apologies if this has already been mentioned, but I've just received the Enhancer Special Edition package, and have just set about installing it on a fairly clean 4.1FE Update 1 installation. The card included with the software with installation instructions says the first thing I should do is open the Read_Me_First drawer and the relevant file inside there. However, that can't be opened because the necessary class is missing... because I haven't installed Enhancer yet.

The same applies if I go directly to the readme files in the installation drawer - they are set to use Multiviewer:Multiviewer, which I haven't yet installed...

I'm sure it's a simple mistake from people testing it having the classes installed already from earlier versions, but it might make sense to test on a clean installation first.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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If I remeber rightly the installer script sets things up so that you can read and confirm all the readmes as you progress through the installation.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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It does indeed, and that's all fine, but then it contradicts the nicely printed guide that's supplied in the case. So maybe what's needed is either a way to manually call the class from its location on the CD until installation is complete (a small tool can do this that gets replaced in the icon settings once copied), or else a rewording of the printed guide (and possible renaming of the "read me first" drawer).

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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Not bug-report but question / maybe feature request.

Let's say i have directory "picts" with bunch of pictures. Now via workbench i go to it, and dbl-click on one picture -> multiviewer opens. Now, is there any possibility, without doing any other moves, press some key (like space, or left/right) so it will navigate through all pictures this directory have ?

If not, that will be very handy. Or maybe it already possible via settings some default tooltype ?

edit: and yes, selecting font manually / save settings in the multiedit make it works with silvergreen theme. At moment making it as default notepad replacement (because notepad have some bugs with ghosting/unghosting buttons still), will see how it will be :)

edit: is it possible in multiedit to hold "undo" button, so it will undo fast many till i unhold it ? Some option maybe somewhere or tooltype ?

Edited by kas1e on 2019/8/8 8:32:29
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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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Replied to 415

Could you please add a bug report to the site?
I'm still not getting *anything* from the website.

Thank you

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Since you are a "dev" on mantis, could you maybe try and send me a mail directly through the website?
Not by adding a comment to my issue report, but directly/"officially"?
I'd like to test if there is some general problem or only when it comes to altering on issue item changes.

Thank you

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I have admin access to the mantis program but not any special access to the server itself so can only send stuff via mantis.

Looking at your user account all email options are enabled.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Yes, i know...not very much else i can do then (sigh)

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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E-mail notifications seem to be somewhat random? For ticket 410, I got mail when Daniel added a note, but not when Hans added his.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Seems like it.

Daniel never commented on one of my reports, so i can't tell.

For now i get no email from broadblues and sierratu (the two people who commented/changed my reports.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I updated 415...in case you weren't informed either...

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
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You have reached the allowed activity limit of 10 events within the last 3600 seconds; your action has been blocked to avoid spam, please try again later.
Please use the "Back" button in your web browser to return to the previous page. There you can correct whatever problems were identified in this error or select another action. You can also click an option from the menu bar to go directly to a new section.

I'm beginning to hate Mantis!!!

Yeah, sure, i'm a spammer, that's why i registered.
Worse is, that it completely drops everything that has been typed...and no, clicking "Back" on the browser does NOT take you back to the form, it will take you back one MORE step destrying everything one has gathered for a decent issue report...f*ck that shit...

Oh yes, and the reason why i reached that STUPID 10 action maximum was because i set "Monitor" to ON on every bug report i submitted to hopefully circumvent the other STUPID email error on this STUPID site.

...why do i even still bother?

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Starting to use for real Multiviewer and Multiedit : damn, they good after you adapt settings for own needs ! Found that magic "scan directories" setting, so to have ability to navigate over all pics in directory via clicking on just one first time.

Also found that navigate through the files inside of directory are "amiga + ." and "amiga + ," , is it possible to edit via user somehow ? For example i want to attach "amiga + ." on space for example.

And dunno if it bug or not, but : if you run slideshow in the directory , then once it reach last one, it start from the first one in the loop : all fine. But if you use button "next file" , then once it reach last on, it didn't jump on first one as slideshow , while probabaly should.

Also in MultiViewer, seems that keys PgUP/pgDown didn't work when i want to jump over text file. Original Multiviewer can do that, same as MultiEdit.

Edited by kas1e on 2019/8/13 7:54:54
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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Monitor is only to allow users who haven't contributed to the thread to monitor the bug, all other users get updated.

The email issue is at your end as far as I can tell, perhaps you can email your tech support and ask why emails from the site get rejected?

Wether the back button retains the input content largely depends on the browser. OWB is eratic in this respect.

I personally don't like this version of mantis as muich as the previous one, it relies much to much on fonts containing non alpha numeric glyphs and the colour usage was much clearer before, but hey ho. Generally though once your used to it it's easier than bugzilla.

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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Also found that navigate through the files inside of directory are "amiga + ." and "amiga + ," , is it possible to edit via user somehow ? For example i want to attach "amiga + ." on space for example.

They correspond to the '<' and '>' keys. AS they are menu short cuts they are not customisable for the moment.


And dunno if it bug or not, but : if you run slideshow in the directory , then once it reach last one, it start from the first one in the loop : all fine. But if you use button "next file" , then once it reach last on, it didn't jump on first one as slideshow , while probabaly should.

No it doesn't this is by design.


Also in MultiViewer, seems that keys PgUP/pgDown didn't work when i want to jump over text file. Original Multiviewer can do that, same as MultiEdit.

These operate on the file list in MultiViewer

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