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Re: OdysseyLauncherPE released for testing
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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@Amigo1 + all

yes, you are right. For example let's say there are 5 entries for each tab (excluding the "mail" tab), if you have an entry in the first (or it could be any other) tab named "odysseylauncherpe" and on another tab it's named "Odyssey" then the "test" button will omit any entry for "odyssey" as will any chooser launched by an external App.

The standard on Amiga have always been that pressing return/enter it confirms the currently edited text box. Listbrowser follows this standard. If you move between columns pressing Tab then the recent changes will be cancelled and data reverted back to the previous content when modifying a row. You have to press return/enter to confirm the last changes and move to a next column. Also clicking any other button outside of the Listbrowser cancels the last changes if you didn't confirm them clicking return/enter first. The standard on Windows is that return/enter confirms and closes the whole window and you use Tab to move between text boxes. So it's maybe hard to remember Amiga uses different standards compared to Windows. I've been caught by that myself few times.

That's simply how the Listbrowser works and is an original Amiga standard.

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Re: OdysseyLauncherPE released for testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

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The standard on Amiga have always been that pressing return/enter it confirms the currently edited text box.

No this is not the case, pressing TAB in a GUI with tab cycling enabled will trigger a 'gadget up' which is exactly the same as pressing RETURN.

But you must do one of them, (ie press TAB or RETURN / ENTER) leaving the string gadget unconfirmed will have unpredicatable results.

The case of listbrowser you can also use tab to confirm but it has to be set up right IIRC.


LBRE_EDITTABNEXT - The contents of a node were edited and the
editing session was terminated by pressing [Tab]. The
application should react by initiating a new editing
session in the next editable column of the gadget if
there is one. Note that you must pass { GA_TabCycle, TRUE }
via LISTBROWSER_EditTags or LBNCA_EditTags for this value
to be returned. (V51)

LBRE_EDITTABPREV - The contents of a node were edited and the
editing session was terminated by pressing [Shift+Tab]. The
application should react by initiating a new editing
session in the previous editable column of the gadget if
there is one. Note that you must pass { GA_TabCycle, TRUE }
via LISTBROWSER_EditTags or LBNCA_EditTags for this value
to be returned. (V51)

URL prefs is defintely screwed up in this regard though, you have to press RETURN for any field to be edited, even though TABing is apperantly enabled.

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Re: OdysseyLauncherPE released for testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

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OdysseyLauncher2 is now available to download from Aminet:
(still awaiting OS4Depot)

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Re: OdysseyLauncherPE released for testing
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I have the same problem as 328gts with OL2 and simplemail : if odyssey is already running and I click on a link in a mail, nothing happens.

OpenURL is setup as APPDIR:OdysseyLauncher2 "%u" and URLopen is setup according to the information given in the readme.

any idea on what to do to fix that ?

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Re: OdysseyLauncherPE released for testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

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What happens when you enter the following in a Shell:
APPDIR:OdysseyLauncher2 "https://www.google.co.uk"

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