The input looks the normal way for inputting such data as Lat and Long are usually given in Degrees, minutes and seconds.
Are the ones you have fractional ?
eg 5.5 degrees will equal 5d 30m 00s
It is exactly the same conversion you would use to convert a time expressed as .xxx hours to hours minutes and seconds.
Start of shameless plug.
If a lot of division by 60 seems to tedious the calculator HP11C at
http://os4depot.net/index.php?functio ... lity/scientific/hp11c.lha has a couple of buttons to do it for you. f 2 will convert a decimal time or angle to HMS or DMS and g 2 will convert HMS or DMS to a decimal time/angle.
End of shameless plug

Oh I nearly forgot:
50.83 -> 50:49:48 - a plus value means North
-0.3 -> 00:18:00 - the minus sign means East.
PS. Where on earth did you manage to find your Lat and Long as a decimal fraction of degrees, it is not the usual format ?