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Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 12:58
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Hi all, Seems that some users have problems with Barony on their setups (hard crashes on running), while on other setups it works. So, if some of you can help to betatest it , that will be helpfull to made a fast update for it.NOTE That for users who have RadeonHD, with working ogles2.library and warp3dnova.library. So. To test, you need just to go to os4depot, download "Barony.lha", unpack it to RAM:, and dbl-click on the Barony icon. As you didn't have data files, it should only show you black window, and nothing else. If you will go to the ram: via filemanager, you should see there creates directory ".barony", inside of main Barony directory, where some config files will be placed. That is in case if it works. In case it didn't works, it will not open any window for you, not create any .barony directory, and just crashes heavy. So plz, test it on your side, and then write the result (crashes, or bring black window with created .barony directory) and provide those details: 1. aos4fe_udate1 or beta 2. version of newlib.library 3. version of ogles2.library, warp3dnova.library & radeonHD.chip 4. what machine you use and what gfx card you use. ps. Be sure you just download it to RAM:, and dbl-click on icon when it unpacked to RAM: (to avoid usage of jxfs, ngfs, etc, to be sure its not the culpit). Thanks !
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 14:33
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Is this impossible do with minigl?
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 14:54
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@Kas1e Crashes. .barony drectory created with log.txt file . 1. aos4 = fe_update1 2. newlib.library = 53.30 3. ogles2.library = 1.22 4. warp3dnova.library = 1.62 5. RadeonRX.chp = 1.11 6. Sam460ex + Radeon Rx 560.
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 15:20
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Is this impossible do with minigl?Imho nope, game use things like glGenVertexArrays(), glBindVertexArray(), glDeleteVertexArrays(), etc, some of which (if not all ?) are OpenGL3.x.
Ok, so directory creates with log file.. No other files created ? Only directory .barony and log.txt in it ? What inside of log.txt ?
No black window, just crash with last words in console like
[09-46-40] Data path is PROGDIR: [09-46-40] Output path is PROGDIR:.baronyRight ?
Can you also check it on beta plz, so if it will works, we can start rule out things.
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 15:33
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AmigaOS_4.1:> list "RAM Disk:Barony/" Directory "RAM Disk:Barony" on Monday 24-Dec-18 README.txt 4975 ----rwed 11-Nov-18 12:49:12 playernames-male.txt 1097 ----rwed 19-Nov-18 12:21:00 playernames-female.txt 1001 ----rwed 19-Nov-18 12:21:00 lang Dir ----rwed Today 11:29:21 gamecontrollerdb.txt 41347 ----rwed 11-Nov-18 12:49:06 Barony.info 14316 ----rw-d Yesterday 15:02:52 : blessed addition amigaos4 Barony.exe 9217256 ----rwed Yesterday 15:10:18 Barony 18 ----rwed 20-Nov-18 14:01:42 7 files - 9062K bytes - 1 directory - 594 blocks used =========================================================== LIBGL: Initialising gl4es LIBGL: v1.1.1 built on Dec 20 2018 17:02:06 LIBGL: Using GLES 2.0 backend LIBGL: Using Warp3DNova.library v1 revision 62 LIBGL: Using OGLES2.library v1 revision 22 LIBGL: OGLES2 Library and Interface open successfuly LIBGL: Targeting OpenGL 2.0 LIBGL: Forcing NPOT support by disabling MIPMAP support for NPOT textures LIBGL: Current folder is:RAM Disk:Barony [11-30-06] Data path is PROGDIR: [11-30-06] Output path is PROGDIR:.barony ============================================================ AmigaOS_4.1:> list "RAM Disk:Barony/" Directory "RAM Disk:Barony" on Monday 24-Dec-18 .barony Dir ----rwed Today 11:30:06 README.txt 4975 ----rwed 11-Nov-18 12:49:12 playernames-male.txt 1097 ----rwed 19-Nov-18 12:21:00 playernames-female.txt 1001 ----rwed 19-Nov-18 12:21:00 lang Dir ----rwed Today 11:29:21 gamecontrollerdb.txt 41347 ----rwed 11-Nov-18 12:49:06 Barony.info 14316 ----rw-d Yesterday 15:02:52 : blessed addition amigaos4 Barony.exe 9217256 ----rwed Yesterday 15:10:18 Barony 18 ----rwed 20-Nov-18 14:01:42 7 files - 9062K bytes - 2 directories - 596 blocks used ========================================================== log.txt [11-30-06] successfully loaded language file 'lang/en.txt' [11-30-06] Loading config 'PROGDIR:.barony/default.cfg'... [11-30-06] warning: config file 'PROGDIR:.barony/default.cfg' does not exist! [11-30-06] Server flags updated. [11-30-06] Bound IN_FORWARD: 26 [11-30-06] Bound IN_LEFT: 4 [11-30-06] Bound IN_BACK: 22 [11-30-06] Bound IN_RIGHT: 7 [11-30-06] Bound IN_TURNL: 80 [11-30-06] Bound IN_TURNR: 79 [11-30-06] Bound IN_UP: 82 [11-30-06] Bound IN_DOWN: 81 [11-30-06] Bound IN_CHAT: 40 [11-30-06] Bound IN_COMMAND: 56 [11-30-06] Bound IN_STATUS: 43 [11-30-06] Bound IN_SPELL_LIST: 16 [11-30-06] Bound IN_CAST_SPELL: 9 [11-30-06] Bound IN_DEFEND: 44 [11-30-06] Bound IN_ATTACK: 283 [11-30-06] Bound IN_USE: 285 [11-30-06] Bound IN_AUTOSORT: 21 [11-30-06] Bound IN_MINIMAPSCALE: 27 [11-30-06] Bound IN_TOGGLECHATLOG: 15 [11-30-06] Invalid binding. [11-30-06] Bound IN_FOLLOWERMENU_LASTCMD: 20 [11-30-06] Bound IN_FOLLOWERMENU_CYCLENEXT: 8 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_STATUS: 307 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_SPELL_LIST: 399 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_GAME_CAST_SPELL: 311 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_GAME_DEFEND: 299 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_GAME_ATTACK: 300 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_GAME_USE: 301 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_USE: 301 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_PAUSE_MENU: 305 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_LEFT_CLICK: 303 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_DPAD_LEFT: 314 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_DPAD_RIGHT: 315 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_DPAD_UP: 312 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_DPAD_DOWN: 313 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_NEXT: 301 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_GAME_HOTBAR_NEXT: 315 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_GAME_HOTBAR_PREV: 314 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_GAME_HOTBAR_ACTIVATE: 310 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_CHEST_GRAB_ALL: 304 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_HOTBAR_CLEAR: 304 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_REFRESH_LOBBY: 304 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_DONT_LOAD_SAVE: 304 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_RANDOM_CHAR: 304 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_NEXT: 301 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_CANCEL: 302 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_DROP_ITEM: 302 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_CYCLE_SHOP_LEFT: 310 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_CYCLE_SHOP_RIGHT: 311 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_BOOK_NEXT: 311 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_BOOK_PREV: 310 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_SETTINGS_NEXT: 311 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_SETTINGS_PREV: 310 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_INVENTORY_TAB: 299 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_MAGIC_TAB: 300 [11-30-06] [GAMEPAD] Bound INJOY_MENU_RANDOM_NAME: 304 [11-30-06] Invalid binding. [11-30-06] Invalid binding. [11-30-06] Invalid binding. [11-30-06] Invalid binding. [11-30-06] Invalid binding. [11-30-06] Controller deadzone is 8000. [11-30-06] Controller trigger deadzone is 18000. [11-30-06] Controller leftx sensitivity is 1400. [11-30-06] Controller lefty sensitivity is 1400. [11-30-06] Controller rightx sensitivity is 500. [11-30-06] Controller righty sensitivity is 600. [11-30-06] Controller menux sensitivity is 1400. [11-30-06] Controller menuy sensitivity is 1400.
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 15:37
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@Kas1e I am not an OS4.x beta tester so cant help with that one.
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 15:54
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Ok.. I build now debug version with all the stuff, so can see where it crashes. At moment hosting where i host stuff not working, so can you download from sendspace ? If so, there is new binary:
https://www.sendspace.com/file/pna3hh Plz download the Barony.lha from os4depot, and replace "Barony.exe" with that one, and dbl click on icon as usual.
Then when it crashes, all we need is stack-trace from crashlog, to see from where crash come.
Thanks !
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 16:07
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@All Is there any os4 betatesters who can confirm that there is no crash, but black window when used without data files ? At moment i have confirm that it didn't crashes on one of beta systems, with such files: newlib.library 53.36 ogles2.library 1.22 warp3dnova.library 1.58 radeonhd.chip 3.6 gfx card is radeon hd 7950 Now need to know on which function it crashes from debug binary, and that will tell us the truth. I somehow fell it will be again newlib.library, but can be wrong, of course.
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 16:16
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Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 16:23
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Thanks ! It crashes in the PhysFS library's ___PHYSFS_platformCalcBaseDir() , which is:
char * __PHYSFS_platformCalcBaseDir (const char * argv0 )
char * retval ;
char * envr ;
CONST_STRPTR dirname = "PROGDIR:dir-not-exist" ;
BPTR lock = IDOS -> Lock ( "PROGDIR:" , ACCESS_READ );
TEXT buf [ 1025 ];
if ( lock )
STRPTR newname ;
newname = ( STRPTR ) allocator . Malloc ( 2048 );
if ( newname != NULL )
dirname = newname ;
IDOS -> NameFromLock ( lock , ( char *) newname , 2048 );
IDOS -> UnLock ( lock );
retval = ( char *) dirname ;
return retval ;
} /* __PHYSFS_platformCalcBaseDir */
But why it didn't crashes on the beta, but crashes on the FE ..
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 16:32
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@kas1e I can run and play the game on my X5000 OS4.1 Latest Beta, Warp3D Nova 1.58 and Radeon HD v3.6 running on Radeon R7 265 I will try on A1222 tomorrow. Will you release a SPE version ?
Sinan - AmigaOS4 Beta-Tester - AmigaOne X5000 - AmigaOne A1222 - Sam460ex
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 17:44
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@Sinan Thanks for another confirm that on beta it works.. As for a1222 and SPE: nope. I not have Tabor + i don't have GCC with SPE support , which , was removed in latest GCCs. @All So 3 beta-testers of os4 (and me as 4st) can confirm it works on betas. And users with public fe have crashes in physfs's code. I will made some simple physfs based test cases , so we can see why they crashes on FE.
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 18:02
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If you can, test plz that simple physfs-init binary:
https://www.sendspace.com/file/oj5jma Just run it from shell, from any place. By logic it should crash the same as Barony, but in stack-trace we will have exactly line where (as i build physfs now with debug symbols).
So if it crashes, bring stack-trace there.
Thanks a bunch !
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 18:07
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Runs without crashing . [PhysFS]: successfully initialized, returned: 0 [PhysFS]: De-initializing...
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 18:12
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Then another run, at this time Barony with full debug + physfs with full debug. Run it plz same as before: unpack barony.lha, replace barony.exe with this one:
https://www.sendspace.com/file/n0mluv thanks for help
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 18:27
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Crash log for task "Barony.exe" Generated by GrimReaper 53.19 Crash occured in module Barony.exe at address 0x7F2DF4C4 Type of crash: DSI (Data Storage Interrupt) exception Alert number: 0x80000003 Register dump: GPR (General Purpose Registers): 0: 7F2D6DD4 4F941270 00000000 4F97EE70 6FFA940C 00000781 4F941678 0000001C 8: 0000005E 00000000 4EE1C958 4F9416E0 4EE1C960 54C87820 00000000 55A4A680 16: 7EE69B20 00000000 6103D4F0 5EB01EA0 02370000 02370000 00000000 00000001 24: 6FFAB180 00000001 46842888 00000000 02370000 02370000 5EB01E80 4F941270 FPR (Floating Point Registers, NaN = Not a Number): 0: nan 1 0.99999 -2.59133e+307 4: -2.06721e+221 -2.04158e+268 998 14 8: 984 14 2.14748e+09 3.40282e+38 12: 4.5036e+15 4.5036e+15 1.08357e+36 3.27027e+292 16: -4.9309e+285 -5.80268e+306 -1.56036e-05 -7.76795e+230 20: -3.70543e-78 1.84772e+32 -4.91043e+303 -0.0470442 24: -6.83114e-12 -9.53968e+211 -1.83337e+307 nan 28: -1.14603e-270 -7.87021e+230 0.0313669 -4.71073e+301 FPSCR (Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0x82004000 SPRs (Special Purpose Registers): Machine State (msr) : 0x0002F030 Condition (cr) : 0x4EDF7DA0 Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x7F2DF4C4 Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x01820830 Count (ctr) : 0x00000000 Link (lr) : 0x00000000 DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x0183FFB8 Data Address (dar) : 0x00000000 680x0 emulated registers: DATA: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ADDR: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 FPU0: 0 0 0 0 FPU4: 0 0 0 0 Symbol info: Instruction pointer 0x7F2DF4C4 belongs to module "Barony.exe" (HUNK/Kickstart) Stack trace: module Barony.exe at 0x7F2DF4C4 (section 5 @ 0x4DD4A0) module Barony.exe at 0x7F2D6DD4 (section 5 @ 0x4D4DB0) module Barony.exe at 0x7F2D7220 (section 5 @ 0x4D51FC) module Barony.exe at 0x7EE0A1A4 (section 5 @ 0x8180) module Barony.exe at 0x7EE69EF8 (section 5 @ 0x67ED4) native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000020ac native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002d14 native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002ef0 Barony.exe:_start()+0x170 (section 1 @ 0x1920) native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x000255c8 native kernel module kernel+0x0003bc38 native kernel module kernel+0x0003bc80 PPC disassembly: 7f2df4bc: 3d205496 lis r9,21654 7f2df4c0: 8129274c lwz r9,10060(r9) *7f2df4c4: 81290070 lwz r9,112(r9) 7f2df4c8: 3d405496 lis r10,21654 7f2df4cc: 810a274c lwz r8,10060(r10)
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 18:30
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@Spectre Seems you run version from os4depot, no debug symbols at all. Size of Barony.exe should be about 67mb
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 18:42
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Recheck plz if you run right binary, there should be debug info..
Also can you run that binary from any place:
https://www.sendspace.com/file/rithdv Thanks a bunch !
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 18:48
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@kas1e Barony requires Warp3DNova v 1.62. Enhancer Software 1.4 + Update Polaris - he has only Warp3DNowa v 1.58 :(
Re: Barony test thread
Posted on:
2018/12/24 18:52
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@amiga_is No, warp3dnova 1.58 is enough. 1.62 just keeps for other stuff, so dont worry, warning is harmless. At moment it didnt runs on non-beta oses, trying to figure out why
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