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Retro hardware accelerators
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Unsure if this the right section but it is hardware related I suppose.

Any chance anyone has a classic 520 accelerator and or something similar?
If so have an odd ball question

Should I bother trying to place a mini small cooling fan onto its cpu?

It comes with a 68EC020, 35mhz, not a bad unit paired with an A1000.


Courtesy of SAM440Flex & Amiga OS4.1 only
Flex is 800mhz
A1000 with Classic 520 Amiga OS3.2.1
AmiKit 12
MorphOS PowerBook G4 (which can play youtube vids)

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Re: Retro hardware accelerators
Just popping in
Just popping in

See User information
I take it no one has ever bothered chucking on a heat sink or cooling fan on a classic 520 then?

Courtesy of SAM440Flex & Amiga OS4.1 only
Flex is 800mhz
A1000 with Classic 520 Amiga OS3.2.1
AmiKit 12
MorphOS PowerBook G4 (which can play youtube vids)

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Re: Retro hardware accelerators
Just popping in
Just popping in

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You're talking about the modern A1000 / A500 accelerator from Irix Labs? No first hand experience, but I'd think if it needed cooling, Irix would have added something. The 1200 and Mac II's also used 68020's, albeit a little slower, and (from motherboard photos) I don't believe any of the Mac's used cooling either.

Having said that, if you're looking to protect your investment, there's no harm in gluing a small heat sink on top.

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Re: Retro hardware accelerators
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I have (in my A600) a modern Furia020 33MHz and it has a heat sink only. There is a version with a fan but mine works OK...and A1000 has more free space than A600. A heat sink will be OK, IMO.

CDTV/CD32/A500/A600/A600+Furia+IndiECS/A1200+TF1260/A4000D+A2320+PiccoloSD64/Sam440 flex 800MHz RAM 1GB HD7750 128MB OS4.1 SBLive! ->
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