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Mount HDF on OS4?
Home away from home
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Is it possible to mount an HDF on OS4, presumably with diskimage.device?

ADFs and ISO a trivial but I can't see how to mount an HDF, although there is a tool related to HDF in the archive (FixHDF) which suggest it can be done.

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Re: Mount HDF on OS4?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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i have used diskimage.device to mount hdf files for sure.
I just mount them as IDF0: from the gui.
But sometimes it has failed with downloaded hdf files, i have suspected that it does not mount large hdf files but maybe that fix_hdf tool can fix them.

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Re: Mount HDF on OS4?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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If the HDF file includes a RDB, i.e. it's an image file of a complete HD with several partitions, there should be no problems.
If the HDF is an image of a single partition instead you may need to set the correct values in the DOSDriver/MountList for it (LowCyl, HighCyl, Surfaces, BlocksPerTrack, etc., and of course the correct DOSType), and with some file systems, for example SFS, it can't work at all if the source of it had different LowCyl, etc. values than the HDF file.

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Re: Mount HDF on OS4?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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wont mounter tool be able to handle that if has device.


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Re: Mount HDF on OS4?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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For example for FFS/FFS2 partitions it should work if you make a copy of a single partition, something like "cp /dev/sda3 partition3.hdf" on Unix, but it can't work for SFS partitions since they include the offsets of the first and last bytes on the HD of the partition in it's root blocks, and it's checked when mounting partitions.
If the values don't match mounting the partition is aborted by the file system to prevent data corruption.
In such a single partition SFS HDF file those 2 values would have to be changed to 0 (first byte) and file size -1 (last byte) in both root blocks of SFS to make it work.

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Re: Mount HDF on OS4?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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It should be as easy as double clicking it. I have some HDF images I tested. They are partition images, so not exactly a "hard drive format" since a partition is a subset, but they opened and mounted fine. I did it the easy way. Opened up a HDF folder and showed all. Double click to mount. I am relying on DefIcons to pick up the tab since they have hdf extension. But a compatible file should open up in DiskImage tool itself. Mine are all standard DOS images.

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Re: Mount HDF on OS4?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I don't have a def_HDF here. What default tool and tools types does your have?

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Re: Mount HDF on OS4?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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After some further experimentation it seems that FixHDF solved the issue.

The HDFs were all FFS DOS/0 single partitions

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Re: Mount HDF on OS4?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I do have a def_hdf. Just checked what the tooltypes are after showing all files and getting info on my hdf file. The default tool is MountDiskImage and tooltypes are "DRIVE=IDF0:"

Seems strange to mount from an "IDF0" as I associate that with a floppy but I suppose it works.

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Re: Mount HDF on OS4?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Thanks so it a copy of def_ADF then will make one for myself.

Mounting on IDF0: is what I did from the command line. It does work from the DiskImageGUI too but my original test case needed "fixing" with FixHDF so causing me to start this thread. It "mounts" as uninitialised before "fixing" .


Thanks all for the various info

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Re: Mount HDF on OS4?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I'm surprised a def_hdd would be missing. I don't look in there a lot but I'm used to there being a full collection of def icons.

I looked at the binary of my HDD images and some have textual mount info, in the form of a mountlist, after a DOS ID, which I recall is what OS4 or MediaToolbox used to write there. I don't see any help for FixHDF from the Help command but looks like it fixes up geometry information.

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Re: Mount HDF on OS4?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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In an shell :

MountDiskImage UNIT=100 YouHardFile.hdf
mounter d=diskimage.device U=100

AmigaONE X1000 and Radeon RX 560
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Re: Mount HDF on OS4?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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This is what I do as well.

I would love to see two things:

1) ability to double click an icon and have it mount
2) ability to use right click or docky or other GUI tool to cleanly remove the disk

I took a look at MountISO for OS 3 but did not get far with it.

Bill "tekmage" Borsari

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