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X1000 Video card issue
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I have an X1000 which I recently tried to re install from CD, and struck a problem.

The system has the same hardware that it was supplied with and in the case of the video card its an XFX Radeon HD 6870.

Whenever I try and boot off the AmigaOS4.1 First Contact CD I get the following... please excuse the garbage as its from a full null modem cable which has more pins than just RTS,CTS,FG.

"Picasso96 cannot configure yo▒r graphics board!
Either your board is not supported or there's a configuration problem. Did you ins▒all PCIGraphics.kmod? "

I have not installed PCIGraphics.kmod, I wouldn't know how..

Any suggestions on a work around or am I going to need a base level PCIe card to get this done? if so - what is base level?

I'm not used to Radeon being a bit of an nVidia head.

Cheers in advance.

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Re: X1000 Video card issue
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Just popping in

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Have you tried changing the PCI slot where you mount the graphics card?

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Re: X1000 Video card issue
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AmigaONE X1000 and Radeon RX 560
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Re: X1000 Video card issue
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I’ve had this with a badly seated card.

AmigaOne X1000.
Radeon RX550

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Re: X1000 Video card issue
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AmigaOS4.1 First Contact CD sounds really ancient.
Is that one from when they first released os4.1 for X1000 in 2012??

I would not be suprised if it contains a very old driver for radeonhd that does not like your card.

You really should upgrade to 4.1 final edition, it's cheap but will nog give you a better driver unfortunately as it only contains a demo driver for the radeonhd card but atleast it should boot correctly with your card.

And as you probably have been running this card for years you should have the full version of the driver bundled with your system. ?

The driver is just a file called radeonhd.chip in your kickstart directory that you can copy over from your current installation after you have uppgraded your system.

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Re: X1000 Video card issue
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Just popping in

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Thanks for the replies all.

I can't actually boot into the OS at the moment, the message comes up via the serial debug console, the video card is the one supplied by Amiga Kit still hot glued into the slot.

The card is definitely not loose and I've checked out the power supply with a DMM @ddni, it's outputs are fine, I believe what the story is here is that the card is simply to new for the OS which is the original that came supplied with the machine, the odd part is that I have managed to boot in "live mode" onto the OS CD previously.

I am presently awaiting a Radeon HD 4550 which is a much earlier card but one I still believe is compatible to try booting with.
@K-L that is exactly the error I am experiencing but previous to me attempting to make a backup copy of the OS my HD6870 was booting to desktop without issue, I can only assume the system was installed on an older card and then the card upgraded OR that they had a separate install with an upgraded driver.

I find it odd though that one would have to regress hardware in order to re install the OS.

@smf yes it is the original CD, I am presently waiting on the 4.1FE edition from Sweeden - it was the only place I could find the X1000 version.

I must have tracked down the only Radeon 4550 in the country 2nd hand on our local equivalent to Ebay which was lucky, it cost me $10 + $8 postage locally it would have cost me $21+$31+ for postage from eBay.

I'll let you know how I get on but for the moment I am in hurry up and wait mode.

I also just found this in which a previous user had a similar problem [*Amigans Video Issue*] the difference between the two is that their card was not found during the boot process thus the "No suitable VGA device found in the system." message, mine is found it's only when it gets to the end of the progress bar it has an issue.

I spoke to Chris from Amigakit. who said

"Final edition has the newer driver but its limited to 1024 x 768. This is only needed if using a polaris card. Southern islands card should work ok. Some people have reported no gfx output with some cards, due to limitations in CFE.

As I said, cant remember all details as we stopped supporting nemo motherboard a long time ago.
So I haven't even used one for around 8 years.

Mught be worth checking out Hyperion X1000 forum.

And then I found this which suggests that the 6870 works under "Final edition" but I have not seen reference to the First Contact edition. [*GFX INFO*]

I'm about to check out Hyperion ... again.

Edited by VaultDweller on 2024/11/11 11:00:58
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Re: X1000 Video card issue
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Just popping in

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@AlfredOne No can't say I have tried that, not saying you are wrong but I can't understand why it would make a difference.
The card is identified at the CFE level I can see it detected in the log when the machine boots. Its Picasso itself that fails which I think would make it an OS driver issue not so much hardware.

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Re: X1000 Video card issue UPDATE
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Just popping in

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Just to let everyone know who tried to help... Thank you..

The solution was provided by a very helpful fellow New Zealander who lent me until I can download my own copy off of amisphere a later copy of RadeonHD.chip.

The version supplied on my CD from AmigaKit was to old for the video card they supplied it seems if you were trying to install from scratch. This later version while limited to 1024x768 for the moment at least let me boot into the install screen from another CD which I burnt with the new driver in the System/Kickstart directory.

Update:: Found out why Amiga OS Enhancer appeared to kill my system it to regresses the RadeonHD.chip

Now I am having fun searching for the updater software for os4.1 which downloads updates using Amisphere - anyone have a clue where it gets installed?

Edited by VaultDweller on 2024/11/12 17:16:29
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Re: X1000 Video card issue UPDATE
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In SYS:System

But you should wait for AmigaOS 4.1 FE to be installed (with the updates from Hyperion).

Then, install Enhanced v2.2. Otherwise, you will mess up your whole installation.

AmigaONE X1000 and Radeon RX 560
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