Just can't stay away
Joined: 2009/10/7 1:11 Last Login
: 9/11 7:45
From Odense
Registered Users
Hmmm... Is the top one using OpenGL? Because that is very strange, given that some of the letters (like 'O's) are filled in. The 'filled in' letters are a symptom that signals, that the native renderer has been used to render a QPainterPath version of the text.
The bottom one sure looks strange too. But basically this is to be expected, since the (sort of) complex native renderer class has been built up from scratch and thus not everything works as expected. Especially the text alignment is just off most of the time, since Amiga fonts don't seem to interpret the font dimensions in the same way as freetype.
Some useful information you could provide me with:
* Which font is used to draw the 'filled rectangular' parts? * which font engine are you using (ie. 'native' or freetype) in the two examples? * Which string codec are you using? * What does the rendering function (ie. YourClass::paintEvent() most likely) look like?
EDIT: Ok, I misread, I thought this was a question of native vs. opengl rendering and not fonts. Well, as I said, the top one shows signs of being rendered with the QPainterPath class (probably because of zooming) and the bottom one, well, I think there must be some issue, that prevents the rendering of the rectangular areas, probably related to string codec used. And the reason the text is misaligned is because I haven't figured out how to do "correct" alignment with Amiga fonts.
Do you have the source up for grabs somewhere?
Edited by alfkil on 2013/4/1 1:59:23