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Re: New Games possible?
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ive heard you have problems with 117, is that when you hit the esc and choose a campain or trainig or somewhere else? i have had problems there using -fomit-frame-pointer on 68k, one of the sensible options, but otherwise it works here as far as im able to tell, except for some glitches in wazp3d, and some more other due to the unholy alliance of stormmesa and the genuine warp3d.

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Re: Initial port of new Paint app. NEW VERSION #3
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i have compiled it from the latest sourceforge source anyway. yes it builds so seems moreless all includes and libs are in place. the only aos4 define i see is the one that defines lpi_amiga, ive set it in devcpp preprocessor definitions, but i have an impression that it isnt taken into account anymore when a custom makefile is used. how do i define in makefile?
-DLPI_AMIGA as a compiler option? is that right?

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Re: Initial port of new Paint app. NEW VERSION #3
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thanks to pointing me to this cool app;D. can you tell me what exact changes did you apply to the source to work under os4? i have compiled it for os3 and have it nearly working but there are problems with rendering the ui. i have either icons and gadgets showing correctly up winuae/wazp or backgrounds and bindowbars with slightly distorted text on hardware w3d (classic/voodoo).
you may answer either on utilitybase thread or even better per mail, not to hijack it here.

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Re: Its over! Hyperion won!
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1. There are no American shareholders of Hyperion Entertainment prior or after the settlement nor any option holders.

3. Hyperion and Cloanto have an excellent relationship and in any event the settlement agreement does not affect Cloanto's rights.

good to hear. thanks for clarification. good luck!

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Re: Lightwave
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probably you refer to hyperion here, but i believe these people are just totally overworked. ;)
broadblues however seems to be very active on his project.

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Re: Who is using the latest revision of Imagine for OS4.x?
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@Slayer: lightwave has had very low entry level skill demand. you just could mess around a little for the start and something was coming out of this. also as it was adressed at broadcasting industry it had a lot very practical features for actual film making. it was just very late "ported to pal" otherwise it would have also a serious following this side of the pond.

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Re: Lightwave
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i think a current lightwave version for amiga is pretty much out of question. i have lightwave9 for pc and if i recall right it costs around 900eur. i dont think anyone sane would buy amiga software for this price currently even if it was available. especially if available hardware is able to assure only a tiny fraction of rendering speed known from x86. besides two parties here in forum are already working on blender. i dont know much about this soft but judging from the screenshots it looks like adequate succesor.

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Re: Who is using the latest revision of Imagine for OS4.x?
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isnt worley the guy who did plugins for lw some time ago? that might explain why he was bashing imagine. but perhaps lightwave was really the easiest to start with at that time. today everybody uses cinema4d on mac for that reason, ironically, while the first package ive ever bought (second hand) was real3d for amiga.

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Re: NetSurf 2.1 released !
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since now im testing 68k netsurf port in parallel i have got some comparison. both bahn.de and bild.de sites pose the same or similar problems to 68k sdl port. the only difference on 68k is that the problems do not lead to system lockup. therefore i suppose both are general netsurf issues and should perhaps if confirmed be handed over to the netsurf core dev team to fix.

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Re: NetSurf 2.1 released !
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@Chris: sorry i was not aware of this bugtracker. as for the keyboard bug it appears only inside a content of a page. no gui interaction is affected by that. i have been surfing around a little. most simple amiga pages render correctly and relatively fast. a1k.org has got a few gfx glitches it seems. on bild.de i got a crash after most of it was diplayed. i can imagine i just run out of mem, since its huge, but i havent seen that due to netsurf open on own screen. it usually works fine here up to 1680x1050 too. it could be a neat little thing soon.

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Re: NetSurf 2.1 released !
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@chris: just downloaded and checked shortly on my a4k/os4: typing into the forms the ssssaaaaammmeeeee problem like cap, and im using original tooth. then it wasnt able to display www.bahn.de correctly. crashed once. will later do more testing.

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Re: OWB 3.13
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textsearch: it doesnt seem to work here on 4.0 classic. clicking on find in owb menu. have to investigate further probably.

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Re: A great day !
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not bad! i cannot wait to try it out even though i cant probably expect much on my a4k/ppc. 68k port is not feasible, i take it?

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Re: Amiblitz3 new version
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I dont think that Bernd hacked anything in AfA Font rendering, you can set the Kerning manually in the True-Type Manager program. I only guess that the rendering engine decides for a different pixelwidth in the normal version, that all.
OS4 is the one who doesn't behave consistantly, depending if AA is switched on or off. Does that make sense? nah!

ok-ok. just wanted to go sure. anyways i do care more for afa_os behaviour then for os4 atm.

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Re: Amiblitz3 new version
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another workaround by bernd? i wonder if this is really needed. since i use afa_os i have the feeling that text has usually wider kerning. it causes at least some more or less slight layout incompatibilities between mui and zune rendering. i think he should get rid of it if possible.

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Re: Amiblitz3 new version
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afaik euae has no jit. all other amiga 68k apps should be slow on your system as well whatever it is.

as for the rest from my experience panic program kill requester appears when you try to interact with ab3 while it is executing compiled app. that is all right.

as for grs you get, i cant tell anything, maybe i can fire up os4 on my classic later on to check if i can confirm your problems with current version of ab3.

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Re: Amiblitz3 new version
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changelog wasnt published up till now afaik

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Re: OWB 3.12
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@broadblues: thats what i was afraid of.
@joerg: i would opt for such an option maybe activated by tooltype if it is not too much to demand. but maybe none wants it except of me.

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Re: OWB 3.12
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id like to build my own toolbar theme 4owb. is it possible to turn off the button outline under reaction? i suppose not.. but am i right?

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Re: OWB 3.11
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just checked reported problem sites:

i have a crash (DSI) if i try this site www.ansa.it with these version 3.11 and 3.10, with old 3.7 this site works fine, the new cosmetic os4 like toolbars aren't perfect, however thanks for this upgrade.


One site was reported by Tomas over at amigaworld.

seems to work fine for me
a4k with csppc here

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