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Re: GL4ES: another OpenGL over OpenGLES2 emulation - some tech. info and porting progress
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If all else fails try : PVS-Studio Analyzer


It catches hard to find bugs, inefficiency.

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Re: Beginner AmigaOS 4 based Programming Language
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To tell you the truth the Amiga developer environment is terrible.

Hyperion and A-EON need to take development as first priority and hire GNU GCC toolchain experts and get all Amiga programming software up to date ASAP, its so serious its not funny anymore.

But it looks like they dont even have a clue.

This includes C, C++ to C++ standard 11+ so we can have some standardised programming platform.

We also need all other languages up to date to eg perl, python, Golang, C#, Java, Javascript, haskell , Clojure, asm.

Developers with many language experience moving on to Pure Functional Programming languages eg Clojure as it speeds up development time without extra keystrokes.

We also need a good IDE suite for debugging all above programming languages in one suite, so much work to be done.

AmigaOS does not even have a source code management & dependency system like on most linux systems.

One cannot create programs and games if the owners cannot provide the tools to do the job, digging a garden with a fork is not fun.

If I were an investor I would not be happy at all.

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Re: Building Cross-Compiling adtools for Amiga OS4 PowerPC (ppc) with Cygwin/Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
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Build is your (fast) system/compiler that gets files (do shopping).

Host is system that can access builds files and prepares/builds the cross compiler. (chops the vegetables).

Target system is system that access host/build files and compiles/builds the files into targets format. (cooks the food).

Target is always your final machine eg PPC Amiga.

Thats my basic understanding.

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Re: Building Cross-Compiling adtools for Amiga OS4 PowerPC (ppc) with Cygwin/Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
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Anyone trying BEBBOs toolchain ?:


This would be the default AmigaOS 3.x, AROS toolchain to keep a set standard across Amiga systems in 2017+.

Stefan "Bebbo" Franke's fork of Krystian Bacławski's AmigaOS Cross-Compiler Toolchain.

Tested on multiple machines,Windows Cygwin 32 bit, Ubuntu 32/64 bit and CentOs 64 bit, & Mac.


A Docker is available:
Dockerfile for Stefan "Bebbo" Franke's fork of Krystian Bacławski's AmigaOS Cross-Compiler Toolchain.


docker run -v $HOME:/host -it sebastianbergmann/m68k-amigaos-bebbo \
m68k-amigaos-gcc /host/hello.c -o /host/hello -noixemul

docker run -v $HOME:/host -it sebastianbergmann/m68k-amigaos-bebbo \
vasm -Fhunkexe -o /host/hello /host/hello.s

run the Amiga software in Linux using Docker :

docker-execute-amiga helloworld

or Dockerized emulation using vamos eg (compile & run an AmigaOS C/C++ compiler from the internet/server !! )

docker run -v $HOME:/host sebastianbergmann/amitools:latest \
vamos -C 68020 /host/hello


ppc-amigaos target:

gcc 4.2.4, g++ 4.2.4, binutils 2.18 (assembler, linker, etc.)
newlib, clib 2.2
AmigaOS headers & libraries & autodocs (for AmigaOS 4.1)

AmigaOS, 68k
binutils 2.9.1 & 2.14, libnix 2.2, libm 5.4

AmigaOS 3.x toolchain, vbcc toolchain (vasm, vlink & C standard library)
Headers, libraries, autodocs, for AmigaOS 3.9

MacOSX users : Require MacPorts or Homebrew installed.


You have to have following packages installed in your system:

GNU gcc 5.x 32-bit version! or Clang
Python 2.7.x
python-dev 2.7
GNU make 4.x
perl 5.22
GNU patch
GNU gperf
GNU bison

Windows 10 64-bit with Cygwin 32bit

Install cygwin via setup.exe and add wget. Then open cygwin shell and:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tran ... en/apt-cyg/master/apt-cyg
install apt-cyg /bin
apt-cyg install gcc-core gcc-g++ python git perl-Pod-Simple gperf patch automake make makedepend bison flex libncurses-devel python-devel gettext-devel libgmp-devel libmpc-devel libmpfr-devel

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 32-bit (gcc 5.4.0)

sudo apt-get install git gcc g++ python-dev gperf patch automake make bison libncurses-dev gettext libgmp-dev libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev
git clone https://github.com/bebbo/amigaos-cross-toolchain


git clone git://github.com/bebbo/amigaos-cross-toolchain.git cd amigaos-cross-toolchain

./toolchain-m68k --prefix=/opt/m68k-amigaos build

optional -threads, AHI, CyberGraphX, Magic User Interface, etc

/toolchain-m68k --prefix=/opt/m68k-amigaos install-sdk ahi cgx mui

Failed ? send email and log to report and fix issues & asm optimizations. Donations welcome.

./toolchain-m68k build 2>&1 | tee build.log

cleanup build before use
rm -rf .build-m68k
rm -rf /opt/m68k-amigaos

Edited by angelheart on 2017/11/8 16:05:15
Edited by angelheart on 2017/11/8 16:38:04
Edited by angelheart on 2017/11/8 16:40:14
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Re: Using Visual Studio 2017 to Develop/Cross-Compile PowerPC (ppc) Amiga OS4 Code with Cygwin-Toolchain
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Re: Cross compiling
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Alot of developers have started using Docker Containers for rapid development from a common environment (image) :


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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
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My experience with Windows web clients are they are memory hogs and very insecure & inefficient.

One way to solve this would be to write a fast and efficient client.

Maybe the state of the art servo parallel browser, thats gaining excitement could be ported.


It uses the new systems programming language Rust.


Edited by angelheart on 2017/1/29 16:32:37
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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
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A nice program to use would be Asciidoc/AsciidocFX

Creates great formatted text easily into html, pdf etc

even source code snippets could be inserted eg changelog.


Its really what the AmigaGuide format could have been...

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Re: SDL2 & OpenGL ES 2 (and/or Warp3D Nova)
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would love Kodi, IPTV + Retroarch system.

uses SDL/OpenGL/Python


Kodi entertainment and game builds are very popular.

Some systems too slow for Dolphin emulator.

If we had Linux/Amiga/Kodi+Retroarch boot system for our upcoming systems prebuilt for around $150 - they would be very popular.

Free games could be downloaded and maintained for a small activation fee.



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Re: Word processing
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It would be nice if Amiga had a dedicated document format.

ODF is good but complex we need something simple like an updated .guide with better formatting.

Time and time again different file formats dont convert properly in windows world. Print margins, text margins always off somewhere.

Amiga could excel here.

Alot of word-processors miss out functions for booklet printing eg 2 a5 portrait on landscape a4.

Script control or tedious tasks.

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Re: ragemem benchmark results thread !
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Once can compare different results from different apps all day long.

I was referring to post #122 X1000 result for RAGEMEM v0.37 -Video bus :

---> VIDEO BUS <---
READ: 66 MB/Sec
WRITE: 160 MB/Sec

compare against

post #60 CPU: AMCC PPC460EX 1.2 @ 1166 Mhz

---> VIDEO BUS <---
READ: 72 MB/Sec
WRITE: 261 MB/Sec

Then think about price difference.

surely bus/bandwidth is better on AMCC for this value - so that needs investigating to improve on future systems.

If we can collate all results into CSV would be great, then a small code can test a games usage of resources and offer recommended system / card requirements.

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Re: ragemem benchmark results thread !
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Is it me or the X1000 results are low in MIPS and video Bus ?

no one noticed 7454 3.3 @ 1400 MHZ = 4194 MIPS ?

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Re: BSzili port requests
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I was just thinking, does Timberwolf have its own Javascript we can use - if at all possible ?

Hmm - scripting does make alot of the magic happen...

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Re: BSzili port requests
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dont know if this is possible : cocos2d-x


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Re: ASL improvement suggestion
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Something like this needs to go into the core of Read/write operations maybe DOS. EG an app written in c reads and writes could be logged.

Also option

enable recent VIEW (start showing)
disable recent VIEW (stop showing but keep running)
start recent (start the recent application)
stop recent (stop the recent application completely)

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Re: DOpus5 frustration
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What one needs is a standard way to configure DOpus eg a config file and maybe an app that people can use to create configs easily.

This way there is a ordered way to save configs uniform system.

It would be great if in near future one could download configs and install easily.

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Re: IP address in CLI
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I know of wget / curl, but did not want to use too many reliance of other tools.

I was hoping for a command like :

IP -showinternalip

IP -showexternalip

I had hoped we had mature internet tools :(

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Re: IP address in CLI
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From CLI ? I specifically asked for CLI so I can reuse the IP address in an application.

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Re: IP address in CLI
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What command in CLI do i use for Shownetstatus i will need to scrape external IP ?

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IP address in CLI
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Which command do i use to get the external and internal IP address of the current system.

For example my internal IP address may be

external could be

How can i get the internal and external IP addresses returned in the CLI.

I imagine doing in in C would be a nightmare :(.

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