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Re: 2025-January-Gaming Competition-Super Star Blast
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I don't like to give up, but I had to give up Too much grinding and I had to give up before I went crazy. Congratulations.

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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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Try the Scummvm clib4 version from post #733 on the thread from the link..This has been the most stable version for my a1222

https://www.amigans.net/modules/newbb/ ... id=152326#forumpost152326

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Re: New A1222 plus motherboard on the way and need som help preparing
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I did not see you reply until now...i also got my A1222+ software enhancer 2.2 key and a updated invoice from the reseller. All good :)

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Re: 2025-January-Gaming Competition-Super Star Blast
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You forgot to update me and Antique's score

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Re: 2025-January-Gaming Competition-Super Star Blast
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AmigaOne A1222+ Radeon RX 560
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Re: A1222Plus has a new home
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Very few bought the SPE version of Wipeout from HunoPPC. So he didn't get much in return for it. But I will try to pull the load and have promised him a donation of 100 euros as a start if he makes an SPE version of Darkspaces (quake) or another quake version. And hopefully many more people will donate/buy if it gets a release, as everyone wants their system to run a 3D accelerated real 3D fps game as quake, quake2 or quake3.

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Re: A1222Plus has a new home
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Agreed. I am very curious about how a SPE version of a 3d accelerated version of quake will run...(or another "newer" real 3d fps game). I will gladly donate a larger sum than usual to those who can code it.

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Re: 2025-January-Gaming Competition-Super Star Blast
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*sigh* What am I doing with my life…

Level 416

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AmigaOne A1222+ Radeon RX 560
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Re: 2025-January-Gaming Competition-Super Star Blast
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Someone has to call the fire department, because someone is on fire

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Re: Quake Darkplaces and NovaBridge
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SPE is not supported for the moment.

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I have promised HunoPPC a bigger donation than usual if he compiles a SPE version. Remember to support him if he decides to do this in the future so that it will be worth spending time on this for him...I am very curious about how a SPE version of a 3d accelerated version of quake will run...(or another "newer" real 3d fps game)

Edited by Mr_byte on 2025/1/13 19:18:18
Edited by Mr_byte on 2025/1/13 19:21:45
AmigaOne A1222+ Radeon RX 560
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Re: 2025-January-Gaming Competition-Super Star Blast
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Nice. Hehe I knew you had a new record lurking. I see where this will end...

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Re: 2025-January-Gaming Competition-Super Star Blast
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It took some time, but I've now reached level 260...It's starting to get very demanding for my A1222 with all the enemies on the screen now

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AmigaOne A1222+ Radeon RX 560
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Re: 2025-January-Gaming Competition-Super Star Blast
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Love your machine and your case


Nice score. The hunt is on....

I had intended to enjoy some Red Dead Redemption 2 time on PC today...but it turned out to be Super Star Blast time instead

Level 153

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Re: 2025-January-Gaming Competition-Super Star Blast
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Guys I think it would be cool to also post what system your playing on too

Im playing it on a A1222+ with a Radeon RX 560 graphics card. 34" ultrawide monitor 3440x1440. My input device for the game is a wired Logitech Dual Action gamepad. Settings for game is 1080p window mode with 3 of 4 dots in resolution and rest turned off.

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Re: 2025-January-Gaming Competition-Super Star Blast
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Hehe no, I only have a lot of time, and like a challenge I spent most of my time and attempts at a level around 25, after that it wasn't very difficult. Especially after I got the 3rd weapon upgrade and a couple of shield upgrades.

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Re: 2025-January-Gaming Competition-Super Star Blast
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I had some game time today. I got to level 60

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Re: 2025-January-Gaming Competition-Super Star Blast
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come to think of it for our purposes we could use the 'credits' as a high score in a way ...basically see how far you can go without upgrading anything

Another alternative is highest level reached..You start at the level you last finished the game on if you do not actively reset the game in the menu. So there is not so much wasted time replaying the easy levels all the time...

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Re: 2025-January-Gaming Competition-Super Star Blast
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Maybe a stupid question, but where can I see what score I got? I can only see how much bonus I got on the previous round (credits) and how much credits I have in total to spend on upgrades...

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Re: 2024-Nov/Dec-Gaming Competition-Mini Metal Slug project
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Congratulations, Mr_byte! Impressive score for sure!


Excited for the next gaming competition. Hoping to delve into another game I haven't tried before

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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
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Keep in mind that it is a beta version. As usual copy clib4.library into libs since it is the latest development vesion

I have tested your clib4 version a bit today. It has performed exemplary so far on my a1222 machine. No crashes whatsoever. Thumbs up.

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