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Gorky 17 ( 68k wont start) fullversion
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Just buyed the full game, since the demo was working so fine on my A1200 Pistorm. But it wont start up... first a getting a Error

then i upgrade the Patch1 and now i get nothing anymore.

I install this 2 times always the same. Strange becouse now i download the Demo again and it works perfect.

kinda funny, kinda sad.

Heretic II works fine too.

Help is Welcome becouse a great game ! i would like to enjoy fullest ;)

Error before Patch1 was :

Terminate called after throwing an instance of "exception" Program aborted Gorky17 failed retruncode 127

Edit: When i try to "frankenstein" my Version and change Gorky start with Demo...

the Demo wont Startup with full gorky.
intressting the full with the g17 Demo give again an Error:

"terminate called after throwing an instance of Exception"
Programm aborted

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Re: Gorky 17 problem with voices. SOLVED
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@TheMagicSN you are still here ? i got a problem with Gorky17 68k it says on start :

Terminate called after throwing an instance of "exception" Program aborted Gorky17 failed retruncode 127

strange becouse the Demo is Working and becouse the demo game was so good running, i decided to buy it.

A1200, PiStorm Pi4

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Re: Quake Darkplaces and NovaBridge
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Huno do you think there is a chance that some OS4 Ports, could find a way on PiStorm 68k ? I dont know so much about the work it would need. I just feel the PiStorm has a unleashed power and got Warp3D running. i try to compile c++ to amiga with bebbos amiga-gcc. I try the game "Postal" and nearly all files compile only main.cpp and game.cpp gave me errors. Just wish i would have more knowledge about how to port.

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Re: A1200NG motherboard appears at AmigaKit
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I think it is very good that Amiga goes ARM, it is the future. Only some old Baron on there PPC Hardware hate it. PPC is years dead, 68060 is years dead, there will never be a New Motorola or PPC Chip ever.

The Hardware is all 30 years old and it will never get in better condition. There must be a solution anyway there are no new PCMCIA 16Bit cards coming. Plus it is very Expensive, when you are a Dev for Amiga. You need to spend tousends of euros in Turbocards, Ram, USB, Lan, Graficboards, etc etc etc.

Then you have to dev for all this selfmade diffrent Amigas with that or this chip.

ARM is cheap, Powerful, Modern. It is one Device to Code and test for.

New Amiga Users will come becouse Modern New Hardware at a cheap price with all this things like Wlan, HDMI, USB. They dont need to invest a CAR for a full powered Amiga.

People that dont see the Future in this new a600gs and 1200NG can tell us please how the future should look else ? and dont come with 1200euro SAM boards.... Nobody, really nobody (non Amiga Guru) spend price of a new Mobilephone for an Computer that cant open Youtube. I dont hate it! just there are small nische people that are willing to invest and enjoy. It is not Mainstream product but this cheap Boards can be a Mainstream revival of Amiga.

I saw a video of somebody get OS4 running on Pi5, i mean this would really be a step. When there comes a distro to flash a sdcard, and enjoy os4 with everything working.

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Re: Heretic II is now 'Open Source'
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Yes and it is great, it is really on my
Amiga Wishlist first place.

Just now after Xmas i cant afford it but i cant wait for it and GORKY17 play the Demo and it is such a great GAME ! Extreme good

I hope they make Shogo for 68k and i wish for Tomb Raider (its open source, even playable in modern Browser). Oni would be a nice game too and i really would love RUNE (its a less famous game) but viking 3D Adventure is always good.

I just dont know what Amiga need or cant compile ( think it need OpenGL? and some kind of specific ressource files?! )

But my wishes would be :
Tomb Raider

Edited by manga303 on 2024/12/30 13:16:29
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Re: Heretic II is now 'Open Source'
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Wow that would be so cool to get the games running on amiga ! special Knights of Old Republic.

Heretic 2 i thought already, the multiplayer seem to work on Amiga? it can take up to 32 Players but seems only PvP.

Would it not great to make an light MMO from Heretic2 ?? like you connect with 5-6 Friends Multiplayer but fight some Monsters and 1 Big Boss together. Like a Dungeon you do PvE that would be really something on Amiga an MMORPG !

Like the Systems is all there Monster in SinglePlayer, then the Multiplayer Function. There just need a big Map, some rooms, Monsters with high Hitpoints. 1 Monster with Extrem high Hitpoints. It is not complete new Game only parts of it in a new Mode.

That would be sooooo nice to get an PvE MMO on Amiga to chill and play with Friends online. Maybe there can be classes like healer, tank, range, mage etc. that would be really the hit. Like a "light" World of Warcraft. Maybe Questing possible together ?

I mean must not be a perfect big MMO just some Dungeons Maps would be already great.

edit : seems to be something like that : https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-heretic ... ic-fortress-thf-v50-final

does this mod run on amiga ?

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Re: -IBrowse in FaceBook - Hi5 - Twitter
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yes we could definitiv need a FB, Telegram and Whatsapp Client for Amiga. Im not sure maybe the encryption is something like a problem.

Maybe RNO that did this RNO Tools could do a client for Amigas.

Special Telegram seems to form a new Amiga Scene, i got 6 Channel Amiga Only releated with 800-500 Member, 2 Channel C64 only and 1 C64 and Amiga all with 300+ Members.

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