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Re: Using Visual Studio 2017 to Cross-Compile PowerPC Amiga OS4 Code via Cygwin-based adtools Toolchain
Just popping in
Just popping in

@ stonecracker:

I've been looking to set up both VS and Eclipse again to do some more Amiga tinkering, so I hopped online to find my old articles on how to set them up, only to find that AmigaCoding.de is now defunct. :/ Instead, I find this article. Nice job, Stonecracker and thank you for the acknowledgement, but, as you've already pointed out, that post was a repost of someone else's work. Still, I'm glad it helped you out.

Although, I am surprised you had trouble with Eclipse. My attempt to get Eclipse running with zerohero's cross compiler toolchain, in the end, wasn't too difficult at all. I don't know too much about cyg-adtools, but I'm surprised it would be anymore difficult. You clearly saw the article about VS on AmigaCoding, so I'm assuming you saw the other article there too. In case you didn't, here's a link through the wayback machine to that article: https://web.archive.org/web/2016081818 ... 62932c0ded8666&topic=17.0

Personally, I enjoyed using Eclipse for my coding. Not as robust an IDE when compared to VS, but good enough and I didn't have to mess with make files at all, which made me a much happier programmer.

All that said, I don't know much about cyg-adtools, but I'm assuming they're PPC only? I prefer coding for 68k AmigaOS, myself, so... still, nice guide. May prove very useful when I get myself set up again. :)

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