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Re: How to made OpenGL ES + SDL2 only combo working on win32 ?
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Does it have to be OpenGL ES? OpenGL 3+ is mostly compatible.

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Re: The OpenGL ES 2.0 thread
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Re: The OpenGL ES 2.0 thread
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I know it's not part of the ES 2.0 API but is there any chance of adding support for GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL and GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL? I could then add mipmapping to the texture atlas in AmiCraft.

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Re: Workbench Explorer crash at quit
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It would only crash if you passed in a non null terminated string or a null pointer. Should be easy to check for that.

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Re: Flare enough
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Doesn't work for me either, can't find the 'default mod'.

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Re: They said there would be code
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You can also run AmigaOS 4.1 emulated in WinUAE if the X5000 is a bit pricey.

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Re: Compiling for SDL ?
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Use SDL1.x if you want to support both. SDL2 is only on OS4.

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Re: OS4Depot hosting payment 2017-2018
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No worries, I put in a few dollars.

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OGLES2 render to texture issues.
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Having a couple of issues with rendering to a texture.

When rendering to a texture, back face culling doesn't work properly, it always culls the front face. I can get around that at least by just disabling it.

Also I can't seem to change textures when rendering into a texture. I have a scene with a few textures and a VBO for each, but it just uses the first texture for the whole scene. It works fine when rendering to the screen.

And does glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR) do anything? It seems to use linear filter instead.

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Re: A small program using Nova
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Does the same for me, but it's just the camera panning up to the sky. Hold the left mouse button down and you can rotate the camera. X, Y, Z keys move you around (hold shift to switch directions).

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Re: new Warp3D Benchmark-Starbox demo
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It will still render to a bitmap, it just wont be able to display all of it on screen. You can set the window size to anything you want.

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Re: OpenGL ES shader compiler problems.
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Ok, I was able to remove a line I didn't realise I didn't need and it fits under the limit now :)

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Re: OpenGL ES shader compiler problems.
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The error seems to be coming from Warp3D Nova.

"Need 114 SGPRs, which exceeds the maximum of 104."

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Re: OpenGL ES shader compiler problems.
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All these problems are that they wont compile. Where is the compiler log?

I wanted to check and see if I missed anything obvious before submitting a bug report. I guess I'll go ahead and do that.

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Re: OpenGL ES shader compiler problems.
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Maybe I should try turning it on and off.

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Re: OpenGL ES shader compiler problems.
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Can compile the shader with glslangValidator with no problems, but they just wont compile through the ogles2 library. Also having any #version statement in the fragment shader stops it from compiling through ogles2 library at all.

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OpenGL ES shader compiler problems.
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Having a few problems compiling shaders. For one, multiplying two mat4 matricies does not seem to work at all.

layout(location 0in vec3 vertexPosition_modelspace;
uniform mat4 M;
uniform mat4 V;

vec3 vertexPosition_cameraspace = ( vec4(vertexPosition_modelspace,1)).xyz;

This code will work sometimes, but after a few similar calculations it will not compile.

layout(location 0in vec3 vertexPosition_modelspace;
uniform mat4 MV;

vec3 vertexPosition_cameraspace = ( MV vec4(vertexPosition_modelspace,1)).xyz;

This is the vertex shader that works in Windows, with just the '#version 310 es' switched in.

#version 310 es
layout(location 0in vec3 vertexPosition_modelspace;
layout(location 1in vec3 colourRGB;
layout(location 2in vec3 vertexNormal_modelspace;

out vec3 RGB;

out vec3 Position_worldspace;
out vec3 Normal_cameraspace;
out vec3 EyeDirection_cameraspace;
out vec3 LightDirection_cameraspace;

uniform mat4 MVP;
uniform mat4 M;
uniform mat4 V;
uniform vec3 LightPosition_worldspace;

void main()
gl_Position =  MVP vec4(vertexPosition_modelspace,1);

Normal_cameraspace = (vec4(vertexNormal_modelspace,0)).xyz;
Position_worldspace = (vec4(vertexPosition_modelspace,1)).xyz;

vec3 vertexPosition_cameraspace = ( vec4(vertexPosition_modelspace,1)).xyz;
EyeDirection_cameraspace vec3(0,0,0) - vertexPosition_cameraspace;

vec3 LightPosition_cameraspace = ( vec4(LightPosition_worldspace,1)).xyz;
LightDirection_cameraspace LightPosition_cameraspace EyeDirection_cameraspace;    

RGB colourRGB;

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Re: AmigaDeveloper.com Team Progress Update
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The news item says that Warp3D Nova features have been increased. Can someone elaborate?

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Re: First Warp3D Nova game released
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The region files contain the actual world when it has been altered from the procedural generation algorithm. These are only saved when needed so they could all have different date stamps.

Also saving the game shouldn't be able to lock up the whole system (could crash though). But you could test this by pressing escape to go the the main menu a few time. The game is saved every time you do this so that could confirm if it is a bug on save.

Being stuck in the block was caused by the game crashing before that chunk was saved. You destroyed the block, occupied its space, the game crashed but your new position had been saved and the chunk hadn't. The chunk appeared invisible because of back face culling (3D system doesn't render faces that aren't supposed to be visible).

In Minecraft you would suffocate and die if glitched in a block, I should implement that.

Also, always check the log.txt file, it could contain a clue to the crash.

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Re: First Warp3D Nova game released
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That's definitely possible, I'll have a think about it.

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