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Amiga Art Contest - 2022
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The Amiga Art Contest - 2022 has officially started!

Get Creative on your AMIGA’s, Launch your favourite 2D, 3D or Music program and show off your talents. Every year we have an amazing amount of entrants and wonderful prizes to win. Please visit the official video below for more information.

Official Announcement video:

Here are the Rules:

Use an Amiga to create the artwork. (Real or emulation)
Submit your artwork to one, two, three or all categories below.
You can submit as many or as few images as you want.

The five categories are as follows:

1. Hand Drawn Artwork
2. Digital Photography
3. 3D/Ray Tracing
4. MOD/Music
5. Animation

Any Amiga format is fine, from 2 color, to 24 bit As long as your Amiga created it, you can submit it.

Please Email your artwork to - art@amigaartwork.com Please include the Hardware and Software you used in your creation, and include a description of how you did it if you want.
Their will be winners in each category and an overall "Best of Show" winner.

Questions? Just reach out to https://twitter.com/10MARC1 or email art@amigartwork.com

Have fun and tell your friends about the contest!

Judges links:

Twitter | https://twitter.com/10MARC1 (Doug)
Twitter | https://twitter.com/invent71 (Kevin)

Official Website (including all the previous entrants and winners)

Best of Luck everyone :)

Edited by invent on 2022/6/8 23:41:39
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Re: Battle Axe - Henk Nieborg - Kickstarter
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Probably would be nice to reach this sites front page to get more attention?

This game would certainly help promote the A1222 :) (poking Trevor, Daniel) hehe

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Battle Axe - Henk Nieborg - Kickstarter
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For anyone who is interested in past Amiga Artists, Henk Nieborg
has a Kickstarter for his new game Battle Axe. (10 days to go)


Wouldnt it be awesome having this on AmigaOS :) (Remember the Tower 57 port)

HOL link (Flink, Lionheart, etc)

Henk - Twitter

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Re: Blastaway, a new game for AmigaOS 4 (?)
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Two thumbs up Saimo :)
I hope you get more support as you definitely deserve it.

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Re: Shogo: Mobile Armor Division available as digital download for AmigaOS 3 and 4
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Thanks Kas1e, Frank and Hyperion, great to see updates like this.

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Re: IRIDIUM - game Kickstarter final days :)
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Thankyou very much

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Re: look what i found while looking to download Boing Bags to get my A4000 back up
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Nice, I like the ability to reverse the boing balls in the menu options, if they can also slow down the sound in sync with speed that would be pretty neat.

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Re: IRIDIUM - game Kickstarter final days :)
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@ Nuder_Try

We the developers would love to see it on the X1000 also.

Soon I'm going to an Amiga "Brisbane" meet up (next month). Hopefully show off the X5000 as I would really like to see more locals with Amiga NG machines :) Meanwhile, I plan to sneak in a few Amiga "Easter Eggs" within the game. It is tempting to add custom Easter Eggs to each Amiga pledger but as I can't promise an Amiga version, yet, I'll just add a few Amiga references inside the game :)

I'm hoping to also encourage the possibility of another Classic game (not out yet released, and looks awesome) to the NG platform.

As a low funded Kickstarter most of the funds will go elsewhere (Kickstarter, Nintendo license, physical copies, 3d print, posters) otherwise I would suggest to our team to put some towards whoever might be interested in a port. Could possibly be a second fundraiser for it though I suppose :)

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Re: IRIDIUM - game Kickstarter final days :)
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Thankyou :)

A PPC version would be best suited for Iridium, however we have also talked to the Vampire team which would be the second best option. A 68k would be very challenging, at this stage I would still recommend people play the Uridium I, II game on classics as its such a great game.

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IRIDIUM - game Kickstarter final days :)
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Hello Amigans :)

It's always interesting to know if word gets out sometimes :)

Firstly, it's wonderful seeing the Amiga move forward in so many ways. New games, new hardware for both classics and NG machines. As a proud owner of an Amiga 1200 and an X5000 I enjoy seeing new developments, software, hardware, even emulation.

We 3 Amigans (Bastich, Akira and Invent) are currently working away on a new game called IRIDIUM. If you have ever played or heard of Uridium on the Amiga then hopefully you will really enjoy this news. Our game is a frantic new 2D shoot 'em up with huge levels and truly massive enemy ships. Mixing game styles from Uridium, Xenon 2 and Nemesis. We have a few interesting twists along the way.

Resized Image

While our focus is for the PC platform first (demo on Kickstarter), our second goal is the Nintendo Switch (other consoles possible but at this stage far too expensive). The good news that we are very keen to get this game on the Amiga platform and are having conversations open and private as I write this. At this stage it's either Vampire based Amigas and/or AmigaOS. While I can't personally promise anything, having 3 Amigans on this game certainly helps.

Our Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/iridium/iridium-0

A little history of me:

First Amiga - A500, then A1200 then A4000. Most used software on platform was Brilliance 2, DirectoryOpus and Lightwave.

Just finished working on the graphics for the Amiga game "ReshootR" with Richard Löwenstein, game will be available very very soon :) We both worked on Reshoot also. He has a patreon site here: https://www.patreon.com/loewenstein Richard is an amazing guy to work with if you ever have that chance.

I have worked on Rygar, initially with Sandruzzo but more recently supplied all the maps using "Tiled Map Editor"for McGeezer, who is doing an amazing arcade conversion. For more info on Rygar please follow this thread http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=93545

My Amiga Blog: http://amigaonex.blogspot.com/

Here are a few games I have worked on for the Amiga:
Reshoot, ReshootR, ProXima3, Rygar Remake, Mig n Ziggy, Morph and others)

As well as creating my own games I have donated graphics to other projects eg AmigaOS (Frogger, Space Invaders, Boulderdash Clone) etc.

- I have worked on a many Amiga related projects and continue to do so:

- Sketchblock (Andy)
- Enhancer Software (A-Eon)
- PPaint (Classic/NG)
- Amiga 30th Anniversary
- Amiwest (graphics)
- Amigakit (promos, websites, icons)
- Amistore (branding, icons)
- A-Eon (various)

Other/Amiga related work:

- Amiga Inc
- Deluxe Galaga Edgar Vigdal (IOS)
- Warblade MKII
- Dots Adventures

- Im sure I have missed a lot more... :)

Future Amiga Work: (my blog has all the info but please ask if you need more info on any project)

- Release Thrust game (Bastich)
- Rework "Alex Zirconstar" (Patrick Nevian)
- Vampire games
- Mig n Ziggy (A1000 compatible)
- Others....
- ProXima3 (AGA shootemup) is my biggest Amiga AGA priority but only once Iridium is complete.

Future other:

- Panic in Robot City (Amstrad/Amiga)
- The Last UFO (Amstrad/Amiga)
- Various ports of Amstrad games (eg Covenant, Movie, Mutant Monty)
- C64 game
- ZX Spectrum game
- AtariST game
- other

My Amstrad blog: http://amstrad-pixels.blogspot.com/

- Possibly port two games I have completed for PC/IOS "Lunar Jetman" and "Dots Adventures"



I do post more unique content on my own Amiga Patreon site (that only recently launched), more behind the scenes. I'll post my work I did with Amiga Inc for example (soon)

Patreon Site: https://www.patreon.com/KevinSaunders

If you got this far, thank you for taking the time reading this message and even if you don't pledge know that I will be around working away in the amiga scene as I enjoy and love it so much.

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Re: LUNARK - Canari Games - Kickstarter
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Just popping in

Hi Templario,

If you saw the quote from Author (above) I would say he is interested, but I would assume he would not know AmigaOS4 or MorphOS, I'm just a voice for his great campaign. Personally would prefer someone work on our game port to AmigaOS :)) James the coder on Iridium is interested in an Amiga Port as we are and have always been big Amiga fans, so much so I'm pushing him to get his Classic Amiga game released that is currently shelved.

Our focus at this time is to make a very good game first, second, port it to Nintendo Switch (PS4,Android,Others will follow)

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Re: LUNARK - Canari Games - Kickstarter
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Thanks for posting comments on Lunarks KS Joeled, wonder how many extra supporters we can get to entice him, of course our great Amiga Developer Daniel maybe too busy (plus we should actually pay him) for his amazing efforts.

As a side note I do have a kickstarter active since yesterday https://tinyurl.com/yb92z6jx
for Iridium :)

I did also pledge support Lunark, would be a great AmigaOS game.

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LUNARK - Canari Games - Kickstarter
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Time to get potentially excited again. Remember the great Tower57 port to AmigaOS?

"Lunark is a 2D cinematic platformer in the vein of '80s and '90s classics such as Prince of Persia and Flashback. Run, jump, hang, climb, roll, and shoot your way through mysterious alien ruins, a flying penitentiary, a high-tech megalopolis, and a majestic forest."

See comments in the Kickstarter:

Quote "Thank you very much! (an Amiga version would be so cool!)" from the creator of himself who is certainly very talented, one person show.

Someone go poke Daniel Mussener (nicely) and see if he is interested :)


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Re: 2019 Amiga Projects - Software, Gfx, Games, Designs, etc
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I like your plans for this year, best of luck with them.
Hopefully be able to contribute some skins (eg AmigaAMP) soon.

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Re: Word processing
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Great thanks for the update.

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2019 Amiga Projects - Software, Gfx, Games, Designs, etc
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Happy New Year everyone :)

Now that my X5000 is up and running, I have been enjoying playing Tower57 (kickstarter game) for AmigaOS (still need to work out which Joypad to buy though)

This year is going to be a busier year in contributing to the Amiga Platform Classic and NG (would love to know what everyone's plans are for the Amiga this year (maybe need another open thread for that)
Besides contributing to the Next Enhancer Pack and creating various designs for A-Eon (Print/Software), I'll be working on ProXima3 (68k) game, I have considered porting the graphics to AmigaOS.

I'd like to also further investigate having Digital Clocks for Enhancer and have some designs already setup.

One of my favourite Backgrounds I use for the X5000 and Phone is this image I created sometime ago.
Downloadable here (4K version)
Happy to create custom sizes if people like the design.

Resized Image

AMIstore has a selection of wallpapers (which I have requested to be free), meanwhile I plan to post a zip file of them soon on my Patreon site.

If you have got this far in this post, thankyou :) Have a great new year, I plan to post a lot more things soon (possibly even the source files to the AmigaOne X5000 and X1222) as well as other boot designs you have not seen.

Edited by invent on 2019/1/2 22:31:30
Edited by invent on 2019/1/2 22:36:33
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Re: SkillGrid - new AGA game in the works
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Nice to continue the Classics and into C64 "QUOD INIT EXIT II" for C64 looks rather interesting :) Best of luck with whatever you do next.

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Re: SkillGrid - new AGA game in the works
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Great slick looking game Saimo, can't wait to see what you work on next (Amiga NG game possibly?)

Meanwhile going to did through your dev log https://retream.itch.io/skillgrid/devlog

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Re: First Warp3D Nova game released
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Hi Caras, Yes your right, only very small pauses before parts of the new map starts appearing.

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Re: First Warp3D Nova game released
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Works well on the X5000, I do also get consistent pauses, I'll time it and do more testing and post back here.

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