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System freezes with AmigaOS 4.1 FE with Radeon 9200 PCI gfx board
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Hi Amiga lovers!

I have aproblem with AmigaOS 4.1FE.
I have a SAM440ep with a Radeon 9200 PCI gfx card.
With update 6 everything ran fine.

My system freezes after loading the Wb Screen

This is what I could figure out so far - but now I am lost..

I commented LoadMonDrvs out in startup-sequence.
Then the system starts with boot sound an everything else.
I looked into the screenmodes and there are only the lower vga modes listed.
That's ok because of not loading the drivers.

I can now open a shell and load the drivers with the command 'LoadMonDrvs'
That goes well and system still running ok.
Now when I go back to screenmode prefs van see all modes available up to 1920x1080

If I say 'test the mode 1920x1080' the mode switches to this resolution and shows the test pic
and the dialog saying 'if mode is ok click ok to save' . But this is it
System freezes completely - cannot even move the mouse anymore nor save the mode.

But I recognized two issues: My gfx board is named Board-0. Up to update 6 it was always named Radeon 9200 SE.
Second is in devs/montitors. I only can see a Monitor named NONE with almost anything disabled in the information tab. I tried to do auto-reconize monitor but this didn't help.

Have you any further ideas!

Thanx so much!


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Re: AmiWest 2012 News?
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+1 !!!!

Absolutely witin your opinion.

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Re: AmigaOS4.1 Update on SAM440EP - system freezzes on workbench launch
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Thank you very much for all your help and suggestions!

Unfortunately I still couldn't get it to work

I tried all you mentioned - in addition I tried to uncomment some usb stuff in kicklayout
but that doesn't help either!

I will now try the hyperion message boards - I signed in an Hans-Jörg Frieden has just activated my account.

I hope they can help me - I really like to try out MUI OWB an the upcoming Timberwolf - and I think
for these gimmicks Update3 is a pre-condition.

If I can't make it in anyway I will do a fall-back to Update2 - hope this willt not be necessary for the future!

BUT - I never will stop using AmigaOS 4.x !!!!

Thanx a lot so far guys!

See you on AMIGAOS !!!


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AmigaOS4.1 Update on SAM440EP - system freezzes on workbench launch
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Hello fellow Amigans!

I have installed Update 3 from Hyperion and I ran into trouble.

On system boot I can see the new Splash Screen but after it when Workbenches launches the system completely freezes. All I get is a grey WB background. I can see my partitions Workbench, Work , Work2 and Ram Disk.
In the middle of the scree I can see AmiDock trying to load its contents but stops with just 2 Icons. That's all - same behaviour everytime I try to boot.

I have tried to boot without keyboard and mouse - same result.

With Update 2 I had no problems.

Please - can someone give me a hand where to start looking for the problem?

I have a SAM 440EP with aRadeon 9250 gfx card.

P.S. I have completely installed a fresh System beginning with formating dh0: and installing from Update 1 CD. An then withot chnging something straight update 2 anf then update 3.

Thank you very much for your time!


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Re: I2C port with Amiga OS 4.x
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Thanx a lot for your answers and hints.
I try to write to ACube.
Maybe they can provide some information to reach the goal !


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I2C port with Amiga OS 4.x
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Hello Guys !

Is it possible to acces the i2c and spi/i2c ports on SAM440ep with Amiga OS4.1.1 U2?

Thanx a lot for your time!


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Re: USB to sreial Adapter with AmigaOS4.x
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Hey - thanx a lot for all your submissions!
I will see how to accomplish my project on the SAM!

Amige 4 ever !

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USB to sreial Adapter with AmigaOS4.x
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Dear Amiga friends !

I have a SAM440 Board running with Amiga 4.1 Update 2.
I want to develop a small application with a Reaction GUI that is able to receive a simple byte stream from a serial Multimeter device.
Now my question is: Does somenone of you know if there is a USB to serial adapter that can be operated with Amiga OS4.1 ?

Thanx in advance !
Greets Andi

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Re: Amiga OS 4.1 comes to new SAM460ex Board from ACube :-)
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Yes - the more possible hardware we have to run AmigaOS 4.x the better for all Amigans.

But I 'm really looking foreward to get an Amiga X1000

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Re: Amiga OS 4.1 comes to new SAM460ex Board from ACube :-)
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Well yes you're right!
When I first read the specs I thought there's one SATA2 Connector in addition to the the Sata(1) ports - but now i took a closer look to the diagrams in the user manual of the SAM460ex board.
I can't see any other SATA ports - there's only that one SATA2 connector !!

Really strange - hmmmm....... So i guess you must use an SATA port expander in the PCI-e slot to connect more devices. There are also multipliers that allow multiple storage devices to be connected to a single SATA controller port.

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Amiga OS 4.1 comes to new SAM460ex Board from ACube :-)
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Great News!!!

Amiga OS 4.1 comes to new SAM460ex Board from ACube !!!

See: http://acube-systems.biz/index.php?page=news


SAM440 AmigaOS 4.1 Update2

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Re: Help with simple tcp/ip string echo client/server app on AmigaOS 4 [SOLVED]
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Yes - It hink regarding C programming IMHO this book is a good one.
It covers all basics and a lot of advanced topics.

Have fun !!!!!


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Re: Help with simple tcp/ip string echo client/server app on AmigaOS 4 [SOLVED]
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Oh my god - yes it works !!!

Thank you very much for your hint - i wouldn't have tried to compile this without changings 'cause I thought the headers must be different.

My first little network app on AmigaOS 4

Again - thanx a lot!



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Help with simple tcp/ip string echo client/server app on AmigaOS 4 [SOLVED]
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Dear Amigans,

is there a good tutorial to get into the programming with TCP/IP on AmigaOS 4?

I would like to create a simple shell app that sends a string from a client program to a running server. The server shall just print the received string to shell output.

You might want to take a look at the follwing link:

http://openbook.galileocomputing.de/c ... 3fa2ddeff09ac910424931c53

This is an example how to accomplish this on Linux or Windows.
It compiles fine with GCC on Linux (I have tried it)

Could this be adapted on AmigaOS 4 with the latest SDK from Hyperion?
Or can you give a hint where to look/start with this?

Thank you in advance for your time.


Sam440 667 Mhz - Amiga Os 4.1U1
Looking forward to get an Amiga One X1000

Edited by fastbit66 on 2010/4/22 16:49:09
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Re: Gapless MP3's + Streams (1.19)
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Hi - I installed the 1.19 version of the mp3cast plugin.
It works great here - no gaps any more!
Fantastic work - thank aou very much.


Sam440 - AmigaOS4.1U1 - ATI 9200 SE gfx board

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Two new screens from Timberwolf
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Yeah ....We have two new screenschots from Timbewolf

Looks really cool !!!

Looking foreward do test the baby !

Shot1: http://www.amigabounty.net/attachments/project/44/timber01.jpg

Shot 2: http://www.amigabounty.net/attachments/project/44/timber02.jpg

See ya....


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Re: AmigaOS4.1 U1 - problems with miniGL 2.2
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I think Dax is right - it seems not to be only a problrm with MiniGL 2.2.

So I changed the thread title accordingly to "Problems with MiniGL and Radeon 9200 SE on SAM440"

Has anyone the same hardware system confiuration
and MiniGL working?

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Re: AmigaOS4.1 U1 - problems with miniGL 2.2
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Yes - I agree with you.

I will change the title to "MiniGL problems on Sam440 with ATI 9200 GFX card"

Thanx for the hint !

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Re: AmigaOS4.1 U1 - problems with miniGL 2.2
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Hans no luck so far.

In devs/montitors I only have an entry for the ATI 9200 SE card. Sam's soldered chip doesn't appear here at all.
And I dont't have the dual graphic cards setup from Acube-systems since with UBOOT 1.3.1a the 9200 runs without that.
For testing I installed miniGL 2.1 since that runs perfectly in context with the on-Borad chip.
Same behaviour - system stops working - the sound goes like "ratatatatatat" .

In the 9200 tooltype the last entry is INTERRUPT=yes
That seems to be correct.

Tomorrow I plug the card into a Linux machine to test if 3D is possible at all.


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Re: AmigaOS4.1 U1 - problems with miniGL 2.2
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What system do you have?


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