Hi Amiga lovers!
I have aproblem with AmigaOS 4.1FE.
I have a SAM440ep with a Radeon 9200 PCI gfx card.
With update 6 everything ran fine.
My system freezes after loading the Wb Screen
This is what I could figure out so far - but now I am lost..
I commented LoadMonDrvs out in startup-sequence.
Then the system starts with boot sound an everything else.
I looked into the screenmodes and there are only the lower vga modes listed.
That's ok because of not loading the drivers.
I can now open a shell and load the drivers with the command 'LoadMonDrvs'
That goes well and system still running ok.
Now when I go back to screenmode prefs van see all modes available up to 1920x1080
If I say 'test the mode 1920x1080' the mode switches to this resolution and shows the test pic
and the dialog saying 'if mode is ok click ok to save' . But this is it

System freezes completely - cannot even move the mouse anymore nor save the mode.
But I recognized two issues: My gfx board is named Board-0. Up to update 6 it was always named Radeon 9200 SE.
Second is in devs/montitors. I only can see a Monitor named NONE with almost anything disabled in the information tab. I tried to do auto-reconize monitor but this didn't help.
Have you any further ideas!
Thanx so much!