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Re: Enhancer Bug thread
Posted on: 2017/11/4 15:39
Just popping in 
If you need WAV files you can use Timidity to convert .mid files to .wav files.
MIDI can be panned from extream left to extream right which (at least) in a 5.1 system will be full surround.
You can simply choose to save the file on Amiga Timidity or in Linux cd to a directory with .mid file and use timidity -Ow filename.mid and it will produce a .wav file in the same directory.
Careful, a 30k mid file may produce a 30M wave file.
Re: CodeBench 0.42
Posted on: 2017/6/16 21:07
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Edited by mechanic on 2017/6/17 18:22:27
Re: The Xena Research Project Part 1
Posted on: 2017/5/19 18:04
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The modified .xn file seems to be AOK.
Something has changed in the xcc builder. What used to build just fine on the earlier tools now produces errors. However, the code builds just fine with no problems indicated while in xtimecomposer, and produces the proper waves in the simulator, but looking at the .xe file with a hex editor (near the end) are notations of errors in the .xc code.
I do not know if this is the reason for the xe file not even setting the frequency when loaded with XRunxe, something has changed.
Do you still have an X1000?
Re: The Xena Research Project Part 1
Posted on: 2017/5/17 1:51
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@LyleHaze Thanks Lyle, I'll give it a try tomorrow.
In xde 11.11.1 the C5 device uses 'tile[n]' and the C4 device is still using stdcore[n], strange.
Do you recall what changes we made to the makefile? Was it just the optimization?
Everything I had went away when my power supply went bonkers and took out both hard drives. I only have some stuff left on USB sticks.
Re: The Xena Research Project Part 1
Posted on: 2017/5/16 23:33
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This is strange, or maybe I have forgotten everything in four years of non-use.
The programs I wrote in xc back then load and work with the xmos tools supplied with 4.1FE, but after downloading and installing Xtimecomposer x86-32bit 11.11.1 and 14.2.4 64bit, not even the old xc source will run. Seems to compile just fine.
I think it has something to do with the xn file as it dosen't even set the xcore frequency.
I think I need a tutorial. I remember changes had to be made to the xn(?) file, but don't recall what they were.
Using XS1-L16A-128-QF124-C10, and the old XS1-L02-QF124-C5 for the 32bit.
Re: The Xena Research Project Part 1
Posted on: 2017/5/13 14:08
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That is like asking. What is the advantage of a wrench over a screwdriver?
Answer; Depends.
@ Thread
Digital mixer.......I like it.
Re: The Xena Research Project Part 1
Posted on: 2017/5/12 19:43
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@ChrisH Fear leads to the Dark Side. 
Re: The Xena Research Project Part 1
Posted on: 2017/5/12 18:24
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@xenic Once a board is designed, if enough people want one, then they could be produced,tested, and distributed by Amigakit. That was the original thought by A-eon. What you are talking about is one of these from my last post. https://www.digikey.ca/en/product-highlight/x/xmos/startkit
Re: The Xena Research Project Part 1
Posted on: 2017/5/12 11:59
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@Dandy Opto couplers are ideal for connection to Xena. There are several other schemes that should work just as well. I believe LyleHaze has looked into this and found some interesting alternatives. There are also some development boards that can be used for tinkering. then coupled to the on-board Xorro/Xena. Perhaps a short height card with protection for Xorro with a standard PCI connector for plug-in cards. http://www.futurlec.com/Protoboards.shtml (Bottom of page) https://www.digikey.ca/en/product-highlight/x/xmos/startkitEDIT: P.S. With all Xena signals isolated whatever is on the proto board could be powered separately even by a wall wart with regulation on the board. The isolators powered by the motherboard. That way the card could be on without any interaction with Xena until the isolators are activated by turning on the motherboard and if the card is off no signals would be supplied to Xena. EDIT 2: For those interested, a Xmos chip is not required to write programs and test input/output. Their Xtimecomposer has what is needed for design and testing programs. Unfortunately it only runs on x86. The get-going curve is a little steep but the user pdf is very good.
Edited by mechanic on 2017/5/12 12:48:52 Edited by mechanic on 2017/5/12 16:26:47
Re: The Xena Research Project Part 1
Posted on: 2017/5/11 17:07
Just popping in 
@ChrisH Quote: IMHO the biggest problem with Xena/Xorro is the risk of blowing-up your expensive X1000/X5000 motherboard, if you wire Xorro up wrongly (or program Xena's I/O ports wrongly), during development. Far less risky to use a cheap 'disposable' USB2/3 card with an XMOS chip on it. Alternatively, we need a Xorro card that has it's own Xena chip on it, and then we program that instead of the on-board Xena - this should be possible (and potentially quick) using the "xConnect" bus. Almost every discussion about Xena contains something similar to the above. Please, please. Stop warning people with scare tactics about BLOWING-UP their EXPENSIVE motherboards. People that have little or no knowledge of electronics should not be tinkering with any motherboards. However, if these same folks wish to learn then do not discourage them, it's their property after all, no matter the cost. Education can be expensive, and only a fool would attempt tinkering with something like a X1000/X5000 without at least knowing the basics of what they are doing. The foolish..........will not be stopped. You are correct about needing a Xorro card. The one available is crap.
Re: AOTL Donations Feb 2017 Update
Posted on: 2017/3/12 13:27
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Whatever happened to ATOL posting pictures of the xorro/HAZE slot card so the layout could be determined?
Re: Amigaone X1000 - 3 years in.
Posted on: 2015/9/6 15:31
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@asymetrix Quote: The whole point in removing chipset was to reduce costs and easily upgrade and it has not even achieved that - to the detriment to every developer who now cannot code because the goalpost keeps changing.
How does a developer access GFX card in assembler now ?
Anyone who says "you dnot need access hardware directly" does not really have a clue. The mass evidence and developers in the world creating devices to do exactly that differ.
Amiga had chance be number #1 programmable hardware devices, learning in hardware and software.
All it needed was a similar board with Amiga chipset on, bang on AmigaOS - to every school, college, university worldwide.
But more important Amiga needs people in control with VISION.
As with Linux in my previous post, if the freakin hardware is stable then the software development can proceed more rapidly in many directions. I think we could have really had something even without the old chips, but never on a moving target. To bad about PA-SEMI, but moving to Freescale would not have been a problem if the greater portion of the hardware were stable. How many graphics, sound, network, cards are used now? By the time one is optimized or new ways discovered of using it, it's 2 years obsolete and too many people have bought something else "Cutting Edge" and demanding support. Sad really. Can you imagine the mess if AOS was taken into the x86 commodity world? Well, here we are. The good news is the bucks I was setting aside for the next X went toward a CB500F. Now that's FUN! I have not given up yet, but really questioning what I'm doing here.
Re: Amigaone X1000 - 3 years in.
Posted on: 2015/9/6 14:34
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@Srtest Quote: For example, I have this file which demonstrates a 1080P version of "Where Wild Things Are" and for some reason it doesn't flow on Lubuntu. When I play the benchmark of "Big Buck Bunny" at 1080P it depends on a lot of factors like the distro being used and the Kernel, While the exact same bench just gets better on the AOS side and even more so with the recent Mplayer.
A side note on Linux and graphics cards. My X1k has a HD6850 card and in order to use that card effectivly in Linux I must rebuild the kernel with ONLY the drivers for that card, Barts-BTC-Sumo. This was also true for the 4000 series cards using kernels after vmlinux-3.4. I do not know why building all the drivers screws things up......but it does, and I'm not about to go looking, and having to rebuild everytime a newer kernel is available (at least weekly, or so it seems.) is silly. Anyway, that solved my slow, with no, or terrible 3D, performance.
Re: Amigaone X1000 - 3 years in.
Posted on: 2015/8/19 21:13
Just popping in 
Don't seem to have that problem here. (???)
Re: Amigaone X1000 - 3 years in.
Posted on: 2015/8/19 20:16
Just popping in 
@Jurassicc >>I personally think the onboard ethernet is broken or there is a bug in CFE<< I'm using it right now under Linux Mint so it's probably like Lyle said and finding the info to get it working is next to impossible. Not a big deal, except that it is there. EDIT  And now I'm doing this edit using the onboard that is using remote desktop to use a BeagleBone running a chromium browser.
Edited by mechanic on 2015/8/19 20:41:50
Re: Amigaone X1000 - 3 years in.
Posted on: 2015/8/19 18:23
Just popping in 
Just wondering..... Since the PCI slots come out of the SB600 could using the PCI>PCIe have something to do with the problem? Maybe wrong speed, a missing signal.... ???
Does the 9250 work in the PCI slots?
Re: Hello!
Posted on: 2015/6/13 16:40
Just popping in 
Hi Daniel.
Welcome, and, er...aah....thanks(?) for showing us the bird. ; )
Re: Warp3D SI : The fastest card
Posted on: 2015/6/12 18:16
Just popping in 
Oh. Thanks.
I hope Project 1 offers some info.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.
Re: Warp3D SI : The fastest card
Posted on: 2015/6/12 14:48
Just popping in 
@ddni Quote: Wouldn't want anyone getting excited that there is support for the 6xxx cards yet. 😀
Perhaps it's a more technical question but, why no 3D for 6850? It works on Linux. The files from AMD are available.......Soooo ?
Re: need to install another 2 old HDs into my X1000 BUT....
Posted on: 2014/12/30 19:15
Just popping in 
@328gts Perhaps one of these. http://www.vantecusa.com/en/product/view_detail/266I have one and it works. Don't know about NTFS, but it handles all my HDs.