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Re: Late feedback on July Update:SOLVED
Posted on: 2007/8/6 19:23
Just popping in 
@LyleHaze Quote: Now, a battery is obviously a hardware problem, but if I were on "the team", I would be interested in writing a bit of code to read all the CMOS into "shadow ram" and divert all further CMOS reads to there. Obviously there would be issues with CMOS writes, but I think it would be an interesting experiment anyway.
I' ve got news for you: the battery and what you call the "CMOS" (which doesn't exist on the A1) have nothing to do one with the other. The UBoot environment variables sit in the NVRam of the Articia (try replacing the UBoot flash chip: the variables are still there). The battery OTOH, powers (because of a board bug) part of the VIA. If such power fails, the VIA beings to bitch out, the date being not kept is just one of the symptoms - the others, you experienced them in first person.
Re: Late feedback on July Update :SOLVED
Posted on: 2007/8/5 16:52
Just popping in 
@LyleHaze Quote: I wish there was a UBOOT backup/restore utility. Lyle
Prefs/UBoot has just that. Just check the menu items....
Re: QEMU in PPC emulation mode
Posted on: 2007/8/3 16:21
Just popping in 
@TetiSoft Quote: You could ask KMOS or IBM if they sell you a copy, maybe it doesnt require UBoot.
Maybe it doesn't require UBoot, but surely it requires what kind of bios/bootstraper the Arctic had. Quote: There exist other rumours that IBM closed its PDA department so you may have problems to get the required hardware
Rumors ? It's was announced years ago: the Arctic platform was based around the 4xx family of chips. IBM sold it to AMCC, the guys that build the CPU the Sam440. So unless you convince AMCC to make you a PDA, well, it's a dead end.
Re: [Solved] HD Formatting Problem
Posted on: 2007/4/3 11:15
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Lowlevel formatting does nothing on ATA/EIDE drives. It only works on SCSI hdd.
Re: Prokom SA buys some of Amiga Inc. shares
Posted on: 2007/2/8 17:42
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@Helge Quote:
If these are add-ons to OS4 that don't belong to the core operation system, like tools and other stuffs, then you are right I think. The operation system itself is in the hands of Amiga Inc.
I suppose you've authoritative sources to back this claim. Quote: They contracted Hyperion and not the external developers to develop Os4. They also granted Hyperion the right to use and modify the source code that Amiga Inc. owns. It is clear that some external parties may only grant an object code license or restrict some rights granted to Hyperion. But in general, Amiga Inc. owns OS4.
Again, how come you're so sure of that ? Quote: I am not even talking about the implications of the buyback clause, when Hyperion has to transfer all source code, interest, title and IP to OS4 to Amiga Inc. This even includes all enhancements made to it! I read there are already discussions about this, so let's better wait and see what comes out! In any case it needs to happen quick!
Funny. First you affirm, without any doubt, that AInc owns OS4, then you back off and say "let's wait".
Re: Prokom SA buys some of Amiga Inc. shares
Posted on: 2007/2/8 13:31
Just popping in 
He surely knows who has the ownership of some parts of OS4, namely those written by him (like I know mine).
I don't think it's a castle in the air what they sold for the simple reason that Prokom bought the stocks after being partner with AInc for one year. So Prokom must know AInc a little bit (unless they're really dumb).
Re: Prokom SA buys some of Amiga Inc. shares
Posted on: 2007/2/7 14:11
Just popping in 
@mailman Quote: mailman wrote: According to the annual report of Prokom (polish company), the company bought 800 000 shares (i.e. 2,3% of all assets) of Amiga Inc. (USA).
Link to the report (english)
I can't find anything about the shares being bought in the document you link to. Besides, that is the 2005 report (?!?!)
Re: UBoot IDE scan
Posted on: 2007/1/5 11:27
Just popping in 
Sorry, but that flag has nothing to do with IDE scan performed by UBoot. It's used to tell SLB to scan the bootsources from the first one instead of the currently used one.
Re: SCSI issues, help please
Posted on: 2007/1/3 23:08
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@haslenuts Quote: Should i add the lsi53c8xx.device to mediatoolbox or mounter ?
No, if the lsi53c8xx.device is working, it would appear by itself in the list. Since it doesn't, it's a clear indication that something is wrong, namely the device driver doesn't start up. Could you post here the result of "pciscan" ? Your board seems not to be recognized by the SCSI driver. Maybe it's just a matter of tweaking some UBoot env-variables. Sg2 should know better.
Re: SCSI issues, help please
Posted on: 2007/1/3 18:03
Just popping in 
Does the device name "lsi53c8xx.device.kmod" appear in the initial list of MediaToolbox ?
Re: Art Effec OS4 status?
Posted on: 2007/1/3 12:59
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Here health status is not currently know. I'll try my best to get her in good health.
Re: Art Effec OS4 status?
Posted on: 2007/1/3 12:35
Just popping in 
And you yourself know too much about that .... pornstar.
Re: OS4 Screenshots . . .
Posted on: 2006/12/30 15:33
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Re: OS4 missing parts?
Posted on: 2006/12/26 19:12
Just popping in 
PNG icons support was not built-in in purpose: it's an add-on, as PNG images are not a good replacement for the Amiga icon format. For instance, they lack the selected image (unless playing dirty tricks). There was a big request for PNG support, so it was added as an "unofficial extension". We need a better icon format, not the old one, nor PNG. This is either going to be for an update, or more likely 4.1, when hopefully Workbench will be ... taken care of, Pulp Fiction style! 
Re: OS4 Screenshots . . .
Posted on: 2006/12/25 22:19
Just popping in 
Re: Got an Idea - Can you spare 2 mins?
Posted on: 2006/12/7 13:39
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Re: Is AmigaOS secure enough to use online?
Posted on: 2006/12/2 14:37
Just popping in 
Quote: In a chatroom you can see the ip addresses which are connected, and go after them. Even just being able to knock people off the net might be a pain.
Nothing like that can happen under OS4. Even hacking utilities like NMAp can't identify the host operating system, let alone try to attack OS4. For the record, I've been running an A1 on the internet for the last 4 years, with a STATIC ip address and without any kind of firewall. Never had a "security" problem. Also, not having any open port by default, does certanly help.