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Re: Paula sound?
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It might be simple to emulate DMACON on AHI, whit in an application.

You mean like:

http://os4depot.net/index.php?functio ... e=audio/misc/nallepuh.lha

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Re: Timberwolf!!!!
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yes I too look forward to the hardware acceleration aspect - but of course that'll have to wait til 4.2 arrives as that will go hand in hand with the Gallium effort.

Why not use the Composition engine? It's already hardware accelerated.

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Re: Text rendering speed (Qt vs. native)
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Just popping in

Yes, but rendering will be less acurate.

Just curious why it will be less accurate? Oh and nice to see new OS-features to be utilized.

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Re: AmigaOS and everything else Dictionary Effort
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This is the same XML format yes, however I have been unable to open it in PrefObjects - complains about duplicate items.

Just commenting this. Looks like the Prefs object is defined with either DTD or XML-schema if it is complaining about duplicates. To get rid of the complaint, check how the xml-file is defined.

Other than that, I'd take an another look how to define the xml-file itself. With multiple key/string pairs you have to validate every field separately. Giving a proper naming for the tags, you'll save a lot of trouble parsing the values from the file.

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Re: RunInUAE (r6) in Update 4 of AmigaOS4.1
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I'm not saying the current behavior is "right" even if it functions by the specs. At least it could inform the user with the reason that user is actually trying to use a display resolution that uses horizontal refresh that is below the minimum allowed, and ask if user wants to use the double mode.

That way the user would know that he/she has wrong settings and could correct them.

It would be nice if some of the developers would chime in to that conversation on Hyperion forums why they dropped the automatic double mode. Probably it broke something else, and as the current behavior is really not wrong either, they decided to use that (hell, there could be a real bug also, but with all the data provided, it just seems people are giving false parameters and don't know better). I guess if it would inform the user better (with a pop-up?) what is wrong as it seems a lot of people don't seem to have a clue why the resolution they want is not allowed.

Edited by flow on 2011/12/28 9:18:12
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Re: RunInUAE (r6) in Update 4 of AmigaOS4.1
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Just popping in


I have no access to Hyperion OS4 forums but you could inform Hypex on this thread:

http://forum.hyperion-entertainment.b ... c.php?f=14&t=285&start=20

that the error message he gets is correct.

320x256 @ 60Hz would require a 16kHz of horizontal refresh rate and he has specified the range to be 31-85kHz.

I wish people would search what is the cause and not immediately blame that something is broken.

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Re: RunInUAE (r6) in Update 4 of AmigaOS4.1
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Just popping in


Well, first of all I'd recommend you use the values ChrisH provided because those values should work on 99% of todays displays even if those were not perfectly matching monitor specs. I can only guess but if the "Detect settings automatically" doesn't work something goes missing in the DVI-HDMI conversion.

About the display values: I've never ever heard of an display that would support 24Hz vertical refresh so either you have a really weird display/monitor there or something is really off. And besides, you would never really want anything below 60Hz anyways so there is no need to put anything below 50Hz there.

Secondly, have you checked the Radeon documentation what screen modes does that actually support? My Radeon docs say that the minimum vertical refresh rate it supports is 56Hz, and the minimum resolution is 640x480.

Oh, and to get 320x256-mode horizontal refresh rate to the 30-80kHz range you must set the vertical refresh to 120Hz. If you are using something like 50 or 60Hz, it will be way under 30kHz (somewhere around 15-16kHz) and the chances are that it won't be recognized because of that.

Edited by flow on 2011/12/27 12:17:11
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Re: Does OS4 SDL work in OPENGL mode?
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link order. You need to link parts in correct order to make it work.

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Re: AmiUpdate?
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Would it be possible to avoid that DSI in AmiUpdate completely with a check that if no tooltypes are found it defaults to some presets?

I know the tooltypes are "amiga-way" of doing small settings but I usually use xml-files.

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Re: Problems with DvPlayer and monitor drivers on SAM
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Just popping in


Have you tried booting without mouse being connected?

I remember reading from AmigaWorld someone having a problem with Sam booting into PAL-mode and it was caused by the OS thinking right mousebutton is pressed during the boot or something similar. The problem went away changing the mouse to a different model.

(edit) Found it:

http://amigaworld.net/modules/newbb/v ... p?topic_id=29935&forum=33

Edited by flow on 2009/11/8 19:20:18
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Re: Commodity events
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Just popping in


Searching the internet I found this link quite a while ago:


Not sure if it helps here but it might come handy for someone.

And looking for the root-dir you'll find some more interesting links.


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Re: Who has a new SAM flex coming?
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Just popping in


Waiting to gathering some cash first... just bought PS3 and Full-HD TV. And summer is coming, so most of the extra cash is going to outdoor hobbies, so it's going to take few months but plan is to order 800MHz FLEX.

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