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Final Edition safe?
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Thought I'd ask before I cause myself trouble:

Will installing OS4.1FE do anything bad to my DOps5 configuration? Any adjustments needed?

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Re: SMTube : new version on OS4Depot
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By the way, I don't know what "streaming" is, but it was your lines

9) hit the little screwdiver button at bottom of SMTube
-configure the quality of recording videos (720p MP4 for example) and Streaming Videos (480p webm)

that made me expect to find it in that configurer.

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Re: SMTube : new version on OS4Depot
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OK, thanks, it works now!

One weird thing that doesn't really matter: when I open that hanging menu with RMB:

Play video
Record video
Record audio
Watch on YouTube
Copy link

and click "Watch on YouTube," up comes OWB (with a note that I need Adobe Flash Player)! I haven't used OWB for maybe a year, and I can't guess what is calling it.

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Re: SMTube : new version on OS4Depot
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I was happy to get this advice. At first. Then I installed MPlayer-Altivec, which works very nicely when I click on it and provide a video file from disk as argument.

Then I undertook step 7), which seems easy enough. Only now I can no longer play any of the videos that get listed when I click on smtube! I guess I must have done something wrong, but I can't imagine what.

Here is the way the modifiable portion of my PlayVideo.rexx looks now (blank lines deleted):

/* REXX */
parse arg type url
/* Others players or, even, other versions of MPlayer are NOT supported */
MPLAYER = "APPDIR:MPlayer-altivec"
MPLAYER_CONSOLE = "0/400/640/400"
/*MPLAYER_CONSOLE = "1450/975/465/99" */ /* console in lower right corner ONLY for 1920x1080 screen */
/*MPLAYER_CONSOLE = "9999/9999/400/100" */ /* console in lower right corner ONLY for 1920x1080 screen */
/* examples */
/* MPLAYER = "APPDIR:MPlayer_SDL_1.1_Altivec_cache" */
/* optimisations from K-L (compatible with MUI-MPlayer Overlay and SDL-MPlayer) */
MPLAYER_OPTIONS = "-cache 8192 -cache-min 20 -autoq 100 -autosync 30"
/* optimisations from K-L (compatible with MUI-MPlayer NON-Overlay) */
/*MPLAYER_OPTIONS = "-vo cgx_wpa -cache-min 20 -autoq 100 -autosync 30" */
APPDIR:ffmpeg -i "input.m4a" -b:a 128k "output.MP3"

Clicking the settings screwdriver brings up Recording, Playback, and Standard Feeds. No mention of Streaming there.

If I click on something in the Music column, by the way, I get an invitation to "update the Youtube code."

I guess I'll try to set the thing back the way it was so I can play Youtube videos again. Or can you see what I did wrong?

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Re: Youtube on AmiCygnix's NetSurf
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I've been working on it. I downloaded "minimal" late last night, but didn't do anything with it until an hour ago.

But a key thing in your list was

3) go in Prefs/Qt and check "Native Paint Engine" in Painting tab to avoid to use OpenGL.

That alone enabled me to run smtube without crashing, and actually view some videos, although at least one has been problematical. (See below.)

I had already done 2) unless I am missing something. Presumably you're talking about

libQtCore.so 5401172 ----rwed 10-Sep-13 07:18:36

I have just now tried to follow 4), but it isn't clear to me where in PlayVideo.rexx I'm supposed to put

APPDIR:ffmpeg -i "input.m4a" -b:a 128k "output.MP3"

I put it just above where it says "Don't modify below these lines," but I haven't retested yet.

I'm using an X1000; I have no idea what "overlay" is. I'll probably try the Liveforit MPlayer just to see what happens anyway.

When I run smtube, there is a list of videos. The first is "The mysterious floating orb," and the audio is crazy, repeating a couple of staccato syllables over and over. The other videos I tried worked fine.

Meanwhile, I have no clear idea of whether Odyssey is using smtube for youtube or not. I tried playing one of my daughter's So Last Century Stringband pieces, and for sure those have never come out better. But when I put the URL in the requester at the bottom of the smtube list and called it up that way, it played much too fast.

I can't shake the feeling that it is a bit silly to install about 1G of code just to view an occasional Youtube.

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Re: Youtube on AmiCygnix's NetSurf
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I only copy Japanese into windows that I know will display it. Odyssey does that, always displaying Japanese e-mail etc. correctly.

Normally I can copy and paste from such documents to the search (google) bar and get Japanese google results. I can sometimes manage very short simple replies to e-mail in Japanese by copying the needed characters from the document I'm replying to. Otherwise I write out fully via Gate2Home and copy and paste from there to the text I am writing. Yestereday none of that copying was working.

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Re: Youtube on AmiCygnix's NetSurf
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Will do. I think I was starting to notice that might work.

Yesterday I was having a problem where I could copy what I wanted into other windows, e.g. the one I was copying out of, but I kept getting a previous copy pasting into the desired window!

And today, it refuses to copy Japanese, converting it to "?????," just like Clipboards, so I'll give restart a try. (After a while. I'm almost afraid even to click "Submit" in case it would crash me in the middle of downloading qt.tar.gz. I have a feeling that Odyssey is behind many of my machine crashes.)

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Re: Youtube on AmiCygnix's NetSurf
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Thanks for the hint.

I'm downloading "beta version of Qt v.4.7 for AmigaOS 4 native" right now. That doesn't sound right, but I'll find out in half an hour. (Wow!)

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Re: Youtube on AmiCygnix's NetSurf
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Nice looking application! Now if I could only remember my password on the news server I use. (And I see that my attempt to add that server has disappeared since I last "saved" the configuration.)

Even stupider than that, I found out that I CAN indeed copy URLs from AmiCygnix to Odyssey. I guess I had never tried; I have found myriad difficulties trying to paste URLs in Odyssey, and not only from AmiCygnix, I'm pretty sure. In fact, attempting to copy to Odyssey can have very bizarre results.

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Re: Youtube on AmiCygnix's NetSurf
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Not sure I'm smart enough. I clicked "AutoInstall" but just got a display of the text. I put the SMTube drawer on disk and clicked the smtube icon in it just to see what would happen, and it told me it couldn't open because it "Failed to load shared object libQtScript.so." But that file doesn't seem to be available on OS4Depot!

I went ahead and modified Settings > Preferences > Contextual Menus as instructed and Odyssey still plays Youtube videos OK. I suspect that means it isn't even looking at SMTube, since I don't get any "Can't open" message.


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Re: Youtube on AmiCygnix's NetSurf
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What are the advantages of SMTube over Odyssey? I guess I'll look into it, but the only problem I notice with Youtube on Odyssey is jerkiness with some videos. It would be good to cure that. But I have Ubuntu as a way around that problem.

I have occasionally got a message that I need to upgrade to the latest Flash; I can't remember if that happens with Youtube or not. Maybe SMTube cures that too. I'll look into it first thing tomorrow. Thanks.

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Re: Youtube on AmiCygnix's NetSurf
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a) Can't use the OS4 NetSurf on AmiCygnix. If I click a URL in AmiCygnix, it's the AmiCygnix NetSurf that comes up, automatically.

But, d), it looks like no point in using any NetSurf available to me anyway. If I knew a way to access Usenet from OS4, I'd just use Odyssey.

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Youtube on AmiCygnix's NetSurf
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I seem to be the champion complainer in this forum!

Anyway, I guess I had never had occasion to try this before, but I clicked on a Youtube link in a Usenet post. Up came NetSurf tuned to the proper page, but no graphics, meaning not only no arrowhead to click on in the middle of the screen, but also no pictures in the list of other videos down the righthand side. Have I got something not set right, or is this the way Netsurf is supposed to work in AmiCygnix?

Theoretically, one could copy the URL and paste into Odysssey's address requester, but copy and paste between AmiCygnix and Workbench (or DOpus5 now) is another thing that works weirdly on my machine.

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NetSurf problems
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I am one of the few Usenet hanger-ons to the sci.lang.japan group, which I access the only way I know how: through AmiCygnix > Sylpheed.

Many of the posts include, or are in, Japanese, which comes out OK. But I hadn't been able to think of a way to post in that language. Then I had a thought: Use Gate2Home in AmiCygnix > NetSurf, and copy the text over. Except typing in Gate2Home in the supposedly Japanese keyboard produces no Japanese.

Then I had another thought: I'd use the e-mail function of Gate2Home in Odyssey, where Japanese comes out just fine, e-mail the text to myself, read it via my e-mail account at gmail.hawaii.edu with AmiCygnix's NetSurf, and copy the text over to sci.lang.japan.

Except trying to get gmail.hawaii.edu with that NetSurf gets me "SSL certificate problem / NetSurf failed to verify the details presented below. / Certificate chain." Beneath that, a light blue-filled rectangle, and accept and reject buttons. "Accept" gets me to an error message from the UH system. (http://gmail.hawaii.edu just brings up a log-in screen, so you can try it yourself.)

It might seem that this is an AmiCynix problem (and in fact I intend to copy this to that forum), but I cannot get my e-mail through the OS4 NetSurf either, with a difference: this one takes me straight to the UH ITS error message, nothing said about certificates.

Is there anything I can do to fix the AmiCynix NetSurf problem?

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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
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It turned out that the only file type I had to replace with yours to make "Document, PDF" work was "All," the first one I tried!

I haven't had much time lately to play with other file types, but I did try adding "Digitized sound mpeg" (not realizing what you just told me, that it is "Audio MPEG") to my File Types, and when it didn't work, I looked at it with the editor. I thought, "no problem, I'll just change "AmigaAmp3" to "MPlayer." Then I had a better idea: download and install AmigaAmp3. Turned out to be a MUCH better idea!

I'll still need to make a "Digitized sound wma" that references MPlayer, but that can be next week.

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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
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Verrrrry interestink! When I replace my filetypes folder with yours, the PDF problem vanishes, but if I go back to mine, and replace my Document_PDF file with yours, the problem returns!

Apparently there is something wrong with my filetypes someplace else that messes me up. Next plan is to replace my other files with your equivalents, one at a time, until mine starts working.

A lot of your 113 don't work on my computer as formulated, but OK if I steal the ones that do? Maybe I could rework some of the others, although I was about to try that on Audio_MPEG, which I find in the Filetypes drawer, but it doesn't show up Settings > Filetypes!

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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
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I lha'd my Filetypes drawer, but I can't figure out how to send it to you.

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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
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Quote:<div class="xoopsQuote"><blockquote>Quote:
The problem is, if I double-click on listers in Name mode, only PDF files open. Other files open AmiPDF and give an error message ("Not PDF file").

Check the priority of the pdf filetype. check the class settings to check it's only finding pdf files, which it's not so I suspect your problem is there.

I can't guess how to use that 'javascript:CaricaFoto("http://i59.tinypic.com/9zujyc.jpg");' stuff, but I have posted a comparison of your pdf filetype and mine. I can't see any difference.


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Re: DOpus5 beginner problem #8: button bank placement
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I knew there had to be an easy solution for positioning things, but didn't I really try Save Layout before? Unbelievable!

Notepad isn't what I meant, it was Ed. I can't even find that anymore, although Diskmaster still uses it. I'd really like something just like MEmacs that didn't take up a whole screen of its own. Maybe I'll hunt around. (Years ago I think I had a trial version of Cygnus Ed from some disk that came with a magazine; I don't remember being impressed with it.)

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Re: Double-clicking in DOpus5
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Wow, what a terrific batch of help. I'll work my way through it.

But one curiosity here:
Quote:<div class="xoopsQuote"><blockquote>
Here I get the list format only when left clicking the srce/dest button and using edit in the popupmenu.

Use the keyfinder in the opus menu, press del, hit return and it will list where the del key is used.</blockquote></div>

Almost every key on my Logitech wireless keyboard tells me, "No function found!" The exceptions are hot keys, the "`" key (Toggle), F3 (Read), F5 (Copy), F6 (Move), F7 (Makedir), and F8 (Delete). F8 works the DOpus way, ie., with the warnings I haven't done away with yet.

Is that interesting, or wot?

By the way, is there an easy way to quote in these forums? I do it so rarely, I have to go to the source file and copy out the "blockquote" business and paste it. (Yes, I should be able to remember that much, even at my age, but maybe not the div class="xoopsQuote" stuff.)

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