2009-09-19: Alpha 59
- UTF8 charsets codesets.library stuff works in AROS now for the first time I think.
Thanks Matthias Rustler for the working codesets.h header, as mine was broken in
some way! (This is a major update apparently, which is why I've released a new version
when the file transfers are nowhere near finished!)
- Tabs "blink" when theres unread messages waiting in an inactive tab
- When in group chat, the "name says:" info wasnt being displayed in the chat window
when a group chatter wasnt in your own contact list.
- When someone joins a group chat, the next time someone speaks, the "name says:" info
is displayed again to prevent confusion. It used to look like the newly joined person
was the one speaking.
- When in a group chat, clicking the "Invite" button a second time will close it
- In tabs mode, when closing a chat tab, it will close the window now if that was the
last tab open. Thanks Kicko for that suggestion!
- Starting to change memory allocation to allocate memory through exec instead of
from the stack
- Removed timestamps after the first line in multiline messages. Looks kinda better.
If you want to break a message up into multiple lines, press control and Enter, and
it will insert a newline into your message. If you're using the right font, it'll
appear as a little box.. otherwise the "newline" character will just be invisible.
- Made incoming multiline messages work better. It's less broken now. Less.
- Using new contact list icons from Mason
- Tweaked the outgoing messages when a switchboard wasnt fully reconnected yet.
Hopefully the first few messages wont be missed anymore when you send while the
switchboard is still trying to reconnect.
http://wookiechat.amigarevolution.comIt's my birthday tomorrow. Turning 29. :)