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Re: Simple wishlist for next AmigaOS
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Came across a few clues at possible GUI features on there way when reading an article on FriedenHQ, including this on minimising windows...

Suppose you have an "Iconify" button in your window border that you just clicked. If you have several icons on your desktop, chances are that you start looking for the icon of your iconified window. If, however, the window iconification is animated (for example, by zooming the window "into" the icon) you immediately know where the icon went.

See http://www.friedenhq.org/index.php?op ... atid=34:amigaos&Itemid=56

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Re: Simple wishlist for next AmigaOS
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What you say makes sense... but Ctrl-C is *still* easier to use, because it only requires one hand, where-as RightAmiga-C requires two. Perhaps LeftAmiga-C (or LeftAlt-C) should be used instead...

I can manage one handed here, either you have a big keyboard or small hands?

Seriously though, I think your right, left-Amiga key makes more sense as it's closer, for cut, copy and paste. Maybe either Amiga key for these commonly used shortcuts would make the most sense?

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Re: Sans-Labs closed ?
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Not so sure, when only the first alpha version of Timberwolf is currently available and we're halfway through October now.

I hope OWB development continues as I prefer the 'feel' of WebKit based browsers. A port of OWB from MorphOS would be great if no one picked up the baton from Joerg.

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Re: Simple wishlist for next AmigaOS
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That's some list.

May be wrong, but I think there is already dual-sreen support, I'm sure Sam460 was shown driving two displays at VCF.

I think built in UAE (a run-in-uae style solution maybe) would be nice as a nod to the past, but I think the future is more important and Hyperion have to invest their resources carefully in what is most worthwhile.

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Re: MiniGL 2.3 released !
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Good to see progress being made, simple update too thanks to AmiUpdate.


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Re: Simple wishlist for next AmigaOS
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Flash is a plugin for web browsers and not something that needs or should be included with the OS, other than with a web browser in the extras/contributions drawer IMHO.

My wishlist for the OS would include:

1. USB2/3 hardware support.

2. Support for multiple cores for the X1000.

3. Streamlined prefs with some prefs programs done away with or combined

4. MUI4 - not a great MUI fan, but seems to be a barrier for software coming over from MorphOS. MorphOS have some applications worth having, that should really be quite easy for developers to bring over and mainatain on both platforms.

5. Multi-user system - personally I quite enjoy not having this and is not of much interest to me, but is a must have these days really. I don't particularly like the way Linux and other OS do this now, would be nice to see a new/better approach/original way of doing for this in OS4.

6. Support for some newer (and more widely available) graphics card (but know this is on its way already).

7. An enhanced trashcan, something like the third party GlobalTrash maybe.

8. Some new datatypes and enhanced MultiView, e.g. controls for browsing through drawers of pictures/scaling of images to fit screen, etc.

Edited by Daniel on 2010/10/16 10:38:56
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Re: myX11Setup language and opening programs from Workbench DefIcons
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1) Checked installation and looks ok (myX11Setup in CYGNIX:), deleted all but English/GB catalog, still has German buttons though?

2) Thanks for the script, set up a deficon for worddoc like you said, but getting following message now when trying to open a worddoc from Workbench:

EXECUTE: Parameters unsuitable for key "FILE/K"

Any idea, what I've missed?

Thanks for your help.

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myX11Setup language and opening programs from Workbench DefIcons
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Just popping in

Hello all,

Can anyone help...

1) How do ccan I change myX11Setup to english as the options on mine are in german?

2) Is it possible to start an AmiCynix program form a DefIcon, e.g. when double clicking on a Worddoc it would open in AbiWord?


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Re: OWB bugtracker suspended
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Just popping in

Hopefully it's a temporary suspension, but doesn't sound promising.

Would be a shame if OWB development stopped (Timberwolf or no Timberwolf) as I find it a nice browser to use on the whole and frequently use it in preference to Firefox on my laptop whenever possible.

However wouldn't be surprised if this was the end of OWB, I suspect Joerg has got fed up with being nagged on forums about MUI and download managers (both of which he made clear he had no interest in). Will be a shame if he is lost from the OS4 community, it seems talented developers are in sort supply.

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Re: Ringhio vs MUI bug
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No Ringhio related but I discovered a bug with Simple Mail/MUI when removing attachments, if you add a few attachments to a new message and then try and remove them again from the list tree a recoverable alert happens (although doesn't seem at all recoverable and needs reboot).

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Re: mp3 to regular CD audio, how?
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Just popping in


Thanks, will give both a try, had a feeling MakeCD might (from many years ago)but when I googled the docs I couldn't see it mentioned anywhere.

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mp3 to regular CD audio, how?
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Just popping in

Hello all,

Have a few mp3 albums I downloaded from play.com (their mp3 store happens to worksnicely with OWB/OS4 and there's no DRM either). Anyway, would like to burn these each album as a regular audio CD to play in my stereo. AmiDVD doesn't seem to offer this functionality, can MakeCD do this?


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Going to look into getting one, sounds interesting.

Would be quite cool to use physical disks with E-UAE (if it works).

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Re: wings 3D
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Was expecting a remake of Wings (the game) for a minute there .

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Is it possible to access real Amiga disks from within E-UAE, i.e. set the Catweasel floppy drive as DF0: in E-UAE config and boot a game from the original floppy?

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Re: OWB and plugins?
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Sounds like a good idea and if that could be acieved surely it wouldn't be much more complicated to go a step further and do something similar with Gnash?

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
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Very nice, works well and easy to use as well. Good to see new and very useful video tools for OS4, thanks.

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Re: Interest in a new picture/album browser?
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Tried latest version, nice and fast loading of preview, superfast when loading from cache second time. The way you can browse the drawers is nice too. Looking forward to version 1 .

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Re: New Future Amiga Website - need your feedback and opinions
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djrikki wrote:

Do the test videos on the URL below playback for you at all?


Thanks in advance.

Tried a couple of the links with ClipDown and play fine here on OS4.1 with MPlayer.

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Re: New Future Amiga Website - need your feedback and opinions
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Just popping in


Will do some of application grabs of what I have installed, when you say nothing else on grab, take it you mean no amidock, disk icons, etc? Take it title bar ok?

PM me a email address and will send them in a zip.

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