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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


I think all is present and loaded.
MiniGL and Warp3D both installed and loaded.. I have been playing around with these SDL settings in the past. Like mentioned before, when i set this 2D Renderer Options to openGL scummvm fails. If i set this to default, its using opengles2.

Resized Image

Big picture https://www.skateman.nl/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Sysmon_X5000.jpg

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
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Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Hi, i executed scummvm -d 11 and the verbose output shows me the following:
3.WORK:Games/ScummVM> scummvm -d 11
Debuglevel (from command line): 11
Reading plugins from plugin directory ''
Reading plugins from plugin directory 'plugins/'
Couldn't open plugin directory '/usr/local/lib/scummvm'
Using SDL Video Driver "os4"
OpenGL: GLES2 context initialized
OpenGL version: OpenGL ES 2.0 3.3 on top of Warp3D Nova 54.16
OpenGL vendor: A-EON Technology Ltd. Written by Daniel 'Daytona675x' Müßener @ GoldenCode.eu
OpenGL renderer: Warp3D Nova 54.16
OpenGL: version 2.0
OpenGL: GLSL version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.4
OpenGL: GLSL version: 104
OpenGL: Max texture size: 16384
OpenGL: NPOT texture support: 1
OpenGL: Shader support: 1
OpenGL: Shader support for engines: 1
OpenGL: Multitexture support: 1
OpenGL: FBO support: 1
OpenGL: Multisample FBO support: 0
OpenGL: Multisample max number: -1
OpenGL: Packed pixels support: 1
OpenGL: Packed depth stencil support: 1
OpenGL: Unpack subimage support: 0
OpenGL: OpenGL ES depth 24 support: 0
OpenGL: Texture edge clamping support: 1
OpenGL: Texture border clamping support: 0
OpenGL: Texture mirror repeat support: 1
OpenGL: Texture max level support: 1
Invalid joystick: 0
Using SDL Audio Driver "amigaos4"
Output sample rate: 44100 Hz
Output buffer size: 2048 samples
Output channels: 2

So, when the SDL prefs are set to Default, it defaults to GLES2 on my machine.
Hope this helps!

So.. when in SDL prefs the renderer is set to OpenGL it crashes!
See crashlog below.

Crash log for task "scummvm"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.19
Crash occured in module at address 0x00000000
Type of crash: ISI (Instruction Storage Interrupt) exception
Alert number: 0x80000003

Register dump:
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
0: 7E4E4DAC 67685520 00000002 00001700 68A81870 00000047 64EEF5D1 64EEF5B6
8: 68A81877 00000000 00000066 01A71C38 000007D8 6811DF98 0000000C 6C79B153
16: 00000038 7E78B598 678F3ADC 6860EE04 6843AC5A 6824F598 68254320 6824F594
24: 00000004 00000001 67685528 68A817C0 00000001 64E2B528 6825A774 64E2B780

FPR (Floating Point Registers, NaN = Not a Number):
0: nan 960 540 960
4: -540 0.5 1 64
8: 2.14748e+09 4.5036e+15 1 4.5036e+15
12: 0.5 4.5036e+15 -4.69786e-61 6.87563e-284
16: 1.53207e-202 4.10993e+36 -3.99739e-236 -2.90939e-242
20: 4.41899e-307 -4.07973e-294 1.36273e-183 -1.45321e-211
24: -3.5579e-282 8.65789e-198 6.26404e-246 -6.44661e-207
28: 3.18312e-303 4.81756e-302 -2.80358e-245 7.23138e-133

FPSCR (Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0x82004000

SPRs (Special Purpose Registers):
Machine State (msr) : 0x0002F030
Condition (cr) : 0x00000001
Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x00000000
Xtended Exception (xer) : 0xFFFFFFFF
Count (ctr) : 0x00000001
Link (lr) : 0xFFFFFFFF
DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x00000001
Data Address (dar) : 0xFFFFFFFF

680x0 emulated registers:
DATA: 82263500 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ADDR: 6FFA4000 8224C100 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 67684E00
FPU0: 0 0 0 0
FPU4: 0 0 0 0

Symbol info:
Instruction pointer 0x00000000 belongs to module "" (HUNK/Kickstart)

Stack trace:
0x00000000 symbol not available
[src/render/opengl/SDL_render_gl.c:1970] WORK:Games/ScummVM/sobjs/libSDL2-2.28.so:GL_CreateRenderer()+0x754 (section 9 @
scummvm:_ZN25SurfaceSdlGraphicsManager16SDL_SetVideoModeEiiij()+0xa0 (section 10 @ 0x2B4E38)
scummvm:_ZN25SurfaceSdlGraphicsManager11loadGFXModeEv()+0x17c (section 10 @ 0x2B64E0)
scummvm:_ZN25SurfaceSdlGraphicsManager17endGFXTransactionEv()+0x84 (section 10 @ 0x2B51CC)
scummvm:_ZTv0_n152_N22ModularGraphicsBackend17endGFXTransactionEv()+0x2c (section 10 @ 0x1F0404)
module scummvm at 0x7E78BB18 (section 9 @ 0x75D84)
scummvm:scummvm_main()+0x14a4 (section 10 @ 0x79254)
scummvm:main()+0x198 (section 10 @ 0x73A7C)
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000025fc
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000032d8
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x0000384c
scummvm:_start()+0x1e0 (section 10 @ 0x3288)
native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x0002a458
native kernel module kernel+0x0005c18c
native kernel module kernel+0x0005c204

PPC disassembly:
fffffff8: XXXXXXXX illegal address
fffffffc: XXXXXXXX illegal address
00000000: XXXXXXXX illegal address
00000004: XXXXXXXX illegal address
00000008: XXXXXXXX illegal address

System information:

Model: Freescale P5020 (E5500 core) V1.2
CPU speed: 1995 MHz
FSB speed: 798 MHz

Machine name: AmigaOne X5000/20
Memory: 2097152 KB
Extensions: bus.pci bus.pcie

Expansion buses
00:00.0 Vendor 0x1957 Device 0x0421
01:00.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x699F
Range 0: 80000000 - 90000000 (PREF.MEM)
Range 2: 90000000 - 90200000 (PREF.MEM)
Range 4: 00001000 - 00001100 (IO)
01:00.1 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0xAAE0
Range 0: 90240000 - 90244000 (MEM)
02:00.0 Vendor 0x1957 Device 0x0421
03:00.0 Vendor 0x111D Device 0x8092
04:01.0 Vendor 0x111D Device 0x8092
04:02.0 Vendor 0x111D Device 0x8092
04:03.0 Vendor 0x111D Device 0x8092
04:08.0 Vendor 0x111D Device 0x8092
04:10.0 Vendor 0x111D Device 0x8092
05:00.0 Vendor 0x12D8 Device 0xE111
06:05.0 Vendor 0x1412 Device 0x1724
Range 0: 00001000 - 00001020 (IO)
Range 1: 00001080 - 00001100 (IO)
0A:00.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x7280
Range 0: A0000000 - B0000000 (PREF.MEM)
Range 2: B0000000 - B0010000 (MEM)
Range 4: 00002000 - 00002100 (IO)
0A:00.1 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x72A0
Range 0: B0010000 - B0020000 (MEM)

0x023aecc2: exec.library V54.30
0x6fef99a8: cgxvideo.library V42.1
0x68d059d8: AmigaInput.library V53.4
0x6adf6dc8: W3DN_GCN.library V54.16
0x6adf6cc8: Warp3DNova.library V54.16
0x6cd355e8: ogles2.library V3.3
0x69089588: speedbar.gadget V53.14
0x6c2fc538: filesysbox.library V54.9
0x6963e000: amissl_v320.library V5.13
0x6ade704c: amisslmaster.library V5.13
0x6b8c2d28: pthreads.library V53.12
0x6b8c2f28: X5000Temp.docky V50.2
0x6aeff498: NetDock.docky V52.0
0x6adce9e8: GFXDock.docky V51.6
0x6adceae8: RAMDock.docky V51.3
0x6af094a8: toolbar.gadget V53.6
0x6adce868: infodata.gadget V53.3
0x6ad9a470: datesheet.gadget V1.9
0x6acf0be8: piechart.gadget V53.1
0x6c315998: sliderbar.gadget V53.22
0x6add11e8: infowindow.class V53.15
0x6adc96c0: texteditor.gadget V53.28
0x6ad9ad60: tabbed.gadget V54.455
0x6ad9a4e0: time.gadget V1.14
0x6adcb8b0: select.gadget V53.7
0x6c833ae0: clock.gadget V53.1
0x6c833a38: tickbox.gadget V53.14
0x6c8339a0: gradientslider.gadget V53.7
0x6ad9a0d8: CPUDock.docky V51.2
0x6ad9a1d8: SubDock.docky V53.1
0x6c8337c0: slider.gadget V53.17
0x6c833720: getfont.gadget V53.11
0x6cd6ead0: shared.image V2.1
0x6c30e240: anim.gadget V53.7
0x6c833684: colorwheel.gadget V53.7
0x6ae60024: clipview.library V1.12
0x6b27cea8: progressbar.gadget V53.12
0x6c308f30: getfile.gadget V53.12
0x6b27ac38: clicktab.gadget V53.50
0x6c308d50: arexx.class V53.6
0x6b1cd788: screenblanker.library V53.7
0x6c308c10: checkbox.gadget V53.12
0x6b13fbc0: requester.class V53.20
0x6c308b70: space.gadget V53.7
0x6cd6e548: chooser.gadget V53.22
0x6c308ad0: penmap.image V53.6
0x6c308a30: bitmap.image V53.9
0x6c308990: integer.gadget V53.13
0x6ce40ea4: asl.library V53.54
0x6c402d38: listbrowser.gadget V53.74
0x6c6c6cf0: scroller.gadget V53.16
0x6cd6d020: string.gadget V53.22
0x6c6c67a8: filesave.audio V6.5
0x6c6c66e8: Envy24HT.audio V5.23
0x6c5c1394: device.audio V6.2
0x6c7885d4: usergroup.library V4.30
0x6c77b8f0: bsdsocket.library V4.307
0x6c82fa08: usbhidgate.library V53.3
0x6eafa65c: textclip.library V53.4
0x6cb466ec: hid.usbfd V53.14
0x6cd78020: button.gadget V53.22
0x6cd780c0: glyph.image V53.4
0x6c92b3b0: window.class V54.14
0x6ca23d88: popupmenu.class V53.2
0x6cb457e8: popupmenu.library V53.14
0x6ce31f50: label.image V53.14
0x6ce31eb0: drawlist.image V53.3
0x6fef9b88: layout.gadget V54.8
0x6ca23ab0: bevel.image V53.6
0x6ce49f28: AK-PNG.datatype V54.15
0x6ceb8254: picture.datatype V53.10
0x6ce44240: Picasso96API.library V54.18
0x6cc19334: mpega.library V2.4
0x6ce49eb0: mathieeedoubbas.library V53.1
0x6ce36d70: datatypes.library V54.15
0x6cd0a17c: ft2.library V53.2
0x6ff15c4c: workbench.library V53.62
0x6cd0e720: gadtools.library V53.8
0x6ce364f8: timezone.library V53.11
0x6ebeec58: application.library V53.30
0x6cea3cfc: commodities.library V53.10
0x6ce46a74: png.iconmodule V53.1
0x6cffb0cc: icon.library V54.6
0x6ebee730: z.library V53.9
0x6cee1d50: iffparse.library V53.3
0x6ebefb38: version.library V53.18
0x6ffb8ecc: locale.library V54.2
0x6fef87ac: diskfont.library V53.13
0x6ff9c9d8: petunia.library V53.6
0x6ff09db8: dos.library V54.112
0x6ebee094: usbprivate.library V53.22
0x6ff0d7bc: massstorage.usbfd V53.84
0x6fef9e3c: hub.usbfd V53.11
0x6ff0d728: bootkeyboard.usbfd V52.3
0x6ff0d6a8: bootmouse.usbfd V53.3
0x6ff0d5a8: mounter.library V53.20
0x6fef9d8c: usbresource.library V53.22
0x6ff91518: hunk.library V53.4
0x6fef9c84: elf.library V53.30
0x6f0a24d0: intuition.library V54.28
0x6ff587a0: keymap.library V53.9
0x6ff5a544: nonvolatile.library V54.7
0x6ff7ecf0: cybergraphics.library V43.0
0x6ff90420: RadeonRX.chip V2.12
0x6ffa3420: graphics.library V54.248
0x6fffe4f0: layers.library V54.12
0x6ff50150: rtg.library V54.90
0x6ff902a4: PCIGraphics.card V53.18
0x6ffaa258: newlib.library V53.62
0x6ff9f1ac: utility.library V54.2
0x6ffa8398: expansion.library V53.1
0x6cd6fcae: rexxsyslib.library V53.4 (Legacy)

0x6ca269c4: serial.device V54.6
0x6cd6ecb4: clipboard.device V53.5
0x6c3a6024: p50x0_eth.device V52.6
0x6ea8e0d4: ahi.device V6.6
0x6ff10520: usbsys.device V53.22
0x6ff91ca4: p50x0sata.device V54.79
0x6ff91bf8: vsata.device V54.8
0x6ff91b90: ehci.usbhcd V53.26
0x6ff91af0: ohci.usbhcd V53.22
0x6ff91a50: uhci.usbhcd V53.15
0x6ff10258: console.device V53.105
0x6ff5a670: ramdrive.device V54.1
0x6ff589ec: input.device V53.6
0x6fef83b4: keyboard.device V53.12
0x6ff5a050: timer.device V53.4

rx_pm (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f0d2000 - 0x6f0da000, pointer @ 0x6f0d9f40 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000001, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
rx_gc (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f0da000 - 0x6f0e2000, pointer @ 0x6f0e1f50 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000001, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
ahi.device Unit Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x64a31004 - 0x64c24ffc, pointer @ 0x64c24f20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf000c000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
Exec Command and Control (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f044000 - 0x6f048000, pointer @ 0x6f047f50 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
ClickToFront (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b16c004 - 0x6b17bffc, pointer @ 0x6b17bef0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe000d000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
input.device (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f0b2000 - 0x6f0c2000, pointer @ 0x6f0c1f00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
P50x0 Ethernet (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c405000 - 0x6c406000, pointer @ 0x6c405f20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
USB stack (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f04c000 - 0x6f050000, pointer @ 0x6f04ff20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf800d000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
EHCI Controller Task Unit 1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6eb8e000 - 0x6eb96000, pointer @ 0x6eb95f10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xbe009000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
EHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ebd6000 - 0x6ebde000, pointer @ 0x6ebddf10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xbe009000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
p50x0sata.device Port 1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6edfe000 - 0x6ee0ca60, pointer @ 0x6ee0c900 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0007000, SigWait 0x10000000
State: Task (Waiting)
p50x0sata.device Port 0 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f01a000 - 0x6f028a60, pointer @ 0x6f028900 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0007000, SigWait 0x10000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DH0/NGFileSystem 54.106 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ea1c004 - 0x6ea23ffc, pointer @ 0x6ea23d60 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf0000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
DH1/NGFileSystem 54.106 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6e14e004 - 0x6e155ffc, pointer @ 0x6e155d60 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf0000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
hid.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6eabe004 - 0x6eac5ffc, pointer @ 0x6eac5ea0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe0000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
HID Mouse (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c805004 - 0x6c814ffc, pointer @ 0x6c814ef0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
reaper.task (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cf8f004 - 0x6cf96ffc, pointer @ 0x6cf96e50 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00007000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
hid.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c6ce004 - 0x6c6d5ffc, pointer @ 0x6c6d5ea0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe0000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
HID Consumer (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c5b1004 - 0x6c5c0ffc, pointer @ 0x6c5c0f20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
hid.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c6a9004 - 0x6c6b0ffc, pointer @ 0x6c6b0ea0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe0000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
HID Keyboard (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c58d004 - 0x6c59cffc, pointer @ 0x6c59cf00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x90001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
RAM/ram-handler 54.24 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cee9004 - 0x6ceecffc, pointer @ 0x6ceecd40 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
SDL thread SDLAudioP1 (0x68768348) (Waiting)
Stack: 0x64c31004 - 0x64e24ffc, pointer @ 0x64e24eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x40000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
SMB-NAS/smb2-handler 53.4 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x69732004 - 0x69741ffc, pointer @ 0x69741be0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
dos_filedir_notify (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ea61004 - 0x6ea65ffc, pointer @ 0x6ea64eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x40001000, SigWait 0x80000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x68585004 - 0x68594ffc, pointer @ 0x68594e20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
URL/launch-handler 53.39 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c5d9004 - 0x6c653ffc, pointer @ 0x6c64ffa0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
RANDOM/Random-Handler 52.1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c68d004 - 0x6c69cffc, pointer @ 0x6c69cef0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ae97004 - 0x6aea6ffc, pointer @ 0x6aea6e20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6af37004 - 0x6af46ffc, pointer @ 0x6af46e20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b07a004 - 0x6b089ffc, pointer @ 0x6b089e20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b10b004 - 0x6b11affc, pointer @ 0x6b11ae20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b188004 - 0x6b197ffc, pointer @ 0x6b197e20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b229004 - 0x6b238ffc, pointer @ 0x6b238e20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b299004 - 0x6b2a8ffc, pointer @ 0x6b2a8e20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
AUDIO/AHI-Handler 6.2 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c74a004 - 0x6c75a004, pointer @ 0x6c759ed0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
APPDIR/appdir-handler 54.17 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c7b0004 - 0x6c7bfffc, pointer @ 0x6c7bfec0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
ENV/env-handler 54.18 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ced1004 - 0x6ced8ffc, pointer @ 0x6ced8ef0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d003004 - 0x6d00affc, pointer @ 0x6d00ae20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
RAW/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d027004 - 0x6d02effc, pointer @ 0x6d02ee20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d047004 - 0x6d04effc, pointer @ 0x6d04ee20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
dos_nbmd_process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ea82004 - 0x6ea85ffc, pointer @ 0x6ea85f30 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00001100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
dos_lock_handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ea8a004 - 0x6ea8dffc, pointer @ 0x6ea8df00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00001100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
RexxMaster (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c544004 - 0x6c553ffc, pointer @ 0x6c553ec0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
TEXTCLIP/textclip-handler 53.4 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c660004 - 0x6c66fffc, pointer @ 0x6c66fec0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
Workbench (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c4aa004 - 0x6c4b9ffc, pointer @ 0x6c4b9e50 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
serial.device (Waiting)
Stack: 0x69828000 - 0x69830000, pointer @ 0x6982ff30 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x7e000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
ScreenBlanker Library. (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6afd0004 - 0x6afe0ffc, pointer @ 0x6afe0f00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xb4001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
ramlib (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cf4d004 - 0x6cf65ffc, pointer @ 0x6cf65f20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
Workbench DosList Notify (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ac37004 - 0x6ac46ffc, pointer @ 0x6ac46f40 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00003000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
ContextMenus Command Dispatcher (Waiting)
Stack: 0x690c9004 - 0x690d8ffc, pointer @ 0x690d8f30 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
texteditor.gadget Clipboard Server (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ad06004 - 0x6ad1effc, pointer @ 0x6ad1ef00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
string.gadget server (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ac1b004 - 0x6ac2affc, pointer @ 0x6ac2adb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x40000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
Workbench Clipboard Server (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6aca4004 - 0x6acb3ffc, pointer @ 0x6acb3ef0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
TCP/IP Control (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c3b1004 - 0x6c3c0ffc, pointer @ 0x6c3c0dc0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf8009080, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
AmiDock (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b2b5004 - 0x6b2c4ffc, pointer @ 0x6b2c4740 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00080000
State: Process (Waiting)
SDL thread SDLTimer (0x6876f7d8) (Waiting)
Stack: 0x64821004 - 0x64a14ffc, pointer @ 0x64a14ea0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80009000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
NotificationServer (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b08e004 - 0x6b0adffc, pointer @ 0x6b0adb10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xbc001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6eb4e004 - 0x6eb55ffc, pointer @ 0x6eb55eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6eb5a004 - 0x6eb61ffc, pointer @ 0x6eb61eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
Clock (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6af53004 - 0x6af62ffc, pointer @ 0x6af62820 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x6e001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
ELF Collector (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ea3c004 - 0x6ea4cffc, pointer @ 0x6ea4ce70 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
TimeGuard (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ae40004 - 0x6ae4fffc, pointer @ 0x6ae4fe00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf0001000, SigWait 0x0d000100
State: Process (Waiting)
vsata disk changer (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ebde000 - 0x6ebeca60, pointer @ 0x6ebec9b0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
AmigaInput Dispatcher (Waiting)
Stack: 0x651ec000 - 0x651f0000, pointer @ 0x651eff30 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
application.library messageserver (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cdac000 - 0x6cdacfa0, pointer @ 0x6cdacf10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
ScreenBlankerEngine (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b1a4004 - 0x6b1b3ffc, pointer @ 0x6b1b3c00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xd8001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x68fca004 - 0x68fe9ffc, pointer @ 0x68fe9d00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
Mounter GUI (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c83d004 - 0x6c850ffc, pointer @ 0x6c850e10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80007000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
TCP/IP Superserver (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c3cd004 - 0x6c3dcffc, pointer @ 0x6c3dc9f0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xd0000080, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
TCP/IP Configuration (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c442004 - 0x6c451ffc, pointer @ 0x6c451e10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf8003000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
InfoWB (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6aeab004 - 0x6aebaffc, pointer @ 0x6aebac90 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf8001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
ContextMenus (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b127004 - 0x6b136ffc, pointer @ 0x6b136c90 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe0001000, SigWait 0x04000000
State: Process (Waiting)
Background CLI [SYS:Internet/ZitaFTPServer/ZitaFTPServer] (Waiting)
Stack: 0x697df004 - 0x697feffc, pointer @ 0x697fe420 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x1a001080, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x692d0004 - 0x692efffc, pointer @ 0x692efde0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x68e0f004 - 0x68e2effc, pointer @ 0x68e2ee00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000010, SigWait 0x00000080
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x69293004 - 0x692b2ffc, pointer @ 0x692b2de0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x692fc004 - 0x6931bffc, pointer @ 0x6931bde0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x69320004 - 0x6933fffc, pointer @ 0x6933fde0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x69365004 - 0x69384ffc, pointer @ 0x69384de0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x69391004 - 0x693b0ffc, pointer @ 0x693b0de0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x693bd004 - 0x693dcffc, pointer @ 0x693dcde0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x69401004 - 0x69420ffc, pointer @ 0x69420de0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6943d004 - 0x6945cffc, pointer @ 0x6945cde0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x69469004 - 0x69488ffc, pointer @ 0x69488de0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x69495004 - 0x694b4ffc, pointer @ 0x694b4de0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x694e1004 - 0x69500ffc, pointer @ 0x69500de0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6950d004 - 0x6952cffc, pointer @ 0x6952cde0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6954a004 - 0x69569ffc, pointer @ 0x69569de0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x69586004 - 0x695a5ffc, pointer @ 0x695a5de0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x695b2004 - 0x695d1ffc, pointer @ 0x695d1de0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
New Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x695f6004 - 0x69615ffc, pointer @ 0x69615de0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
AsyncWB (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b259004 - 0x6b268ffc, pointer @ 0x6b268e90 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
« IPrefs » (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cdbb004 - 0x6cdcaffc, pointer @ 0x6cdcaa20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x0000f000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
clipview.library server (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ad68004 - 0x6ad87ffc, pointer @ 0x6ad87df0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xd8003000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
select.gadget prefs (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6af1b004 - 0x6af2affc, pointer @ 0x6af2aca0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
DefIcons (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b245004 - 0x6b254ffc, pointer @ 0x6b254db0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80009000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
TCP/IP Log (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c45e004 - 0x6c46dffc, pointer @ 0x6c46df00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80003000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
ConClip (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c560004 - 0x6c56fffc, pointer @ 0x6c56feb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
USB stack Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c869004 - 0x6c878ffc, pointer @ 0x6c878ee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
MassStorage Notifier (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f029000 - 0x6f030d00, pointer @ 0x6f030c70 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DST watcher (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ccde004 - 0x6ccedffc, pointer @ 0x6ccedf10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ea96004 - 0x6ea9dffc, pointer @ 0x6ea9deb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6eae2004 - 0x6eae9ffc, pointer @ 0x6eae9eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6eb0e004 - 0x6eb15ffc, pointer @ 0x6eb15eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6eb02004 - 0x6eb09ffc, pointer @ 0x6eb09eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA2 Channel 4 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f040000 - 0x6f044000, pointer @ 0x6f043ee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA1 Channel 4 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f05c000 - 0x6f060000, pointer @ 0x6f05fee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA2 Channel 3 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f058000 - 0x6f05c000, pointer @ 0x6f05bee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA1 Channel 3 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f054000 - 0x6f058000, pointer @ 0x6f057ee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA2 Channel 2 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f050000 - 0x6f054000, pointer @ 0x6f053ee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA1 Channel 2 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f0ce000 - 0x6f0d2000, pointer @ 0x6f0d1ee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA2 Channel 1 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f0ca000 - 0x6f0ce000, pointer @ 0x6f0cdee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA1 Channel 1 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f0c6000 - 0x6f0ca000, pointer @ 0x6f0c9ee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
scummvm (Crashed)
Stack: 0x67493004 - 0x67686ffc, pointer @ 0x67685520 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00400000, SigWait 0x0a000100
State: Process (Crashed)
Mounter Task (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f031000 - 0x6f03fa60, pointer @ 0x6f03f970 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xb0001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
Mounter Companion Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c855004 - 0x6c864ffc, pointer @ 0x6c864f40 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80003000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
ramlib.support (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cf72004 - 0x6cf8affc, pointer @ 0x6cf8af00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80005000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
dos_signal_server (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ea6a004 - 0x6ea6dffc, pointer @ 0x6ea6df20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x0000f000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
appdir envarc manager (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6c794004 - 0x6c7a3ffc, pointer @ 0x6c7a2be0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80005000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CPUDock_idleTask (Ready)
Stack: 0x6adc0000 - 0x6adc2000, pointer @ 0x6adc1f60 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x40000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Ready)
idle.task (Ready)
Stack: 0x6ff7f000 - 0x6ff80000, pointer @ 0x6ff7ffc0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Ready)

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: ScummVM and AmigaOS4.1 F.E.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I had the issue that when i started scummvm the screen went black and a DSI appeared...

I had my SDL prefs as default 2D render set to OpenGL and this was the issue
I have set the option of 2D render in de SDL prefs back to default, and all is fine now.

Thanks for the updated scummvm.

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: MPlayer 1.5 released!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Thank you all for another great release!
Works perfect on my X5000. VA enabled would be very nice as well, but as mentioned on the roadmap..

Keep up the good work.

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: tis the season!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Merry Christmas my fellow Amigans!

Resized Image

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: YT stopped working with Odyssey - Fixed
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Perfect, as expected

Thanks again for all your work!

Resized Image

Edited by Skateman on 2023/12/19 19:11:55
Edited by Skateman on 2023/12/19 19:13:50
AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: SketchBlock XMas Card Video 2023
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


A tradition it is! Each year another great SketchBlock Xmas Card!

Thanks a lot and Merry Xmas!

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: YT stopped working with Odyssey
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Have you also tried the Mplayer-nonaltivec ?
Not sure if this makes any sense.. (and if you can run non-altivec on a atlivec emulated machine), but you could see if this outputs the same error ?

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: Xena questions
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Well now, that sure looks promising

Keep up the good work! @geennaam

The next NG board should be build by you. Then it takes 10 Months instead of 10 years

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: Who is getting the A1222 Plus?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Also the software is still being worked on... so have patience..


AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: Who is getting the A1222 Plus?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


If they stuck to the plan of creating an affordable entry level NG Amiga i would. So No, i will not go for the A1222.

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: Dual Video Card X5000 - both Amiga OS & MorphOS
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

PM Send!

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: Is gprof ever works on os4 ? It is! And can be still!
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Congratulations to all involved!

Well done! (even as not being a Developer i think its great news)

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: My photos from AmiWest 2023 and past Amiga shows
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Thanks for all these great pictures!!

Loved it!

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: Installing AmigaSYS4 on my handsome utterful invincible Amiga One X-5000
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I just downloaded and extracted the HDF that was in the version from the url below.


I made sure i had a Workbench diskset ready. (ADF files)

In the uae config i pointed to the HDF that i extracted.

Booted uae and followed the installation steps.

I could also have specified a more powerfull Amiga in the uae config.

Anyway its working. Hope you can have it up and running as well.

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: Virtio GPU, QEMU, KVM, etc.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

What a depressing topic.... i feel sad, and will not accept.

Edited by Skateman on 2023/10/16 18:13:47
AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: Installing AmigaSYS4 on my handsome utterful invincible Amiga One X-5000
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I downloaded and installed amigaSYS4 on my X5000 (in uae) to try and all seems working fine.

https://www.skateman.nl/wp-content/upl ... 2023/10/uae_amigaSYS4.jpg

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: Installing AmigaSYS4 on my handsome utterful invincible Amiga One X-5000
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

PM send! Check your inbox.

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
Go to top

Re: Amiga38 Germany
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk


Resized Image

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
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Re: Amiga38 Germany
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk



Heretic was displayed at HunoPPC`s table. I have seen it.

AmigaOne X5000 -> 2GHz / 16GB RAM / Radeon RX 550 / ATI X1950 / M-Audio 5.1 -> AmigaOS 4.1 FE / Linux / MorphOS
Amiga 1200 -> Recapped / PiStorm CM4 / SD HDD / WifiPi connected to the NET
Vampire V4SE TrioBoot
RPI4 AmiKit XE
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