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Re: SpotLess debugger
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I have no plans for updates at present. Not too sure, what would be a good plan for further development. Do you have anything specific in mind?

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Re: SpotLess debugger
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CMake 3.29 Native (OS4)
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Just can't stay away

Hi all,

A few of my friends (cheers!) motivated me to show some of my latest work.

I have been working on different stuff, but the most successful is by far a port of a quite recent version of CMake, that you can use for native development work.

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qqy746o ... y4ejy3up&st=2nfz4k4p&dl=0

This shot is a few weeks old, and currently the port doesn't quite work with latest libraries (clib and dos). But it's a success, and it is inevetable, that it will float at some point.

I hope this is enough to arouse your senses. :)

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Re: Sound only on some apps (ahi)
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Just can't stay away


I have sound on almost all apps now with a new Audigy Fx card and ES 2.2 drivers. Thanks all!

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Re: AHI and SB128 (CT4760)
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Just can't stay away


Yes, I am using this now. It works like a charm. :)

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Re: Redirect STDERR and STDOUT to the same file
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Just can't stay away


sh -c "testit 2>&1" >raM:log

Doing this type of syntax in a shell sure works out. For simple cases.

This is a line from toolchain.prf in qmake :


output = $$system("$$cmd_prefix $$QMAKE_CXX $$qtMakeExpand($$cxx_flags) -xc++ - 2>&1 $$cmd_suffix", lines, ec)

This proves to be intensely problematic, because of a) the environment prefix (cmd_prefix) and b) the way quotes are used. Or maybe I am just stupid.

Some way of emulating 2>&1 would be preferable.

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Re: AHI and SB128 (CT4760)
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I just stumbled on this old thread. Seems the link to the HD Audio driver is lost. Is there some new contact?

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Re: Sound only on some apps (ahi)
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Just can't stay away


I have tried everything.

Maybe I just have to accept, that my card maybe is not the best supported.

Is there any good advice on what to buy next?

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Sound only on some apps (ahi)
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Just can't stay away

I am having a blast with my revived x5000.

BUT - audio only works with some apps. I am not sure what make the card is, but I know it to have worked perfectly in the past. In Quake2 and Quake3 there is perfect sound. In AmigaAmp3 and TuneNet, there is no sound. Also, in the Sound prefs app, the boot sound doesn't play, and the test sound buttons give some crazy no good behavior.

Apparently, I am using emu10kx.audio.

Is there some hint, that I am missing?

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Re: How to reboot ?
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How to reboot ?
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Just can't stay away


After installing Enhancer Software 2.2, the x5000/20 can no longer reboot warmly. What can I do ? Is there an explanation ?

Thanks, elfpipe

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Re: Nova Bridge - where?
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Just can't stay away


It worked for me also yesterday. I did some heavy shopping :). Thanks!

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Re: Nova Bridge - where?
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Just can't stay away


Well - first of all, I can't log in.

It's been years since I used the account, and obviously I haven't the faintest what my password is. The password reset function doesn't work - it never sends me anything.

I have tried creating a new account for a different email. I have been able to log on, but I cannot buy anything. Every function related to sales fails to work.


Thanks, I will give it a try.

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Nova Bridge - where?
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Just can't stay away

Hi all,

I want to play games. I am guessing Nova Bridge will enable someting along those lines. I am not successfull with AmiStore. How/where do I get it?

Best, elfpipe

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USB fail
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Just can't stay away


I am trying another thread here about failures. I am working with public release modules now, so it should be fine.

Problem is, I might have a failing USB connective. I am using a USB stick to transfer files from Ubuntu on a laptop, and often I get fails.

Problem is, right now I have a file, that transfer badly. It has noise in the beginning, when it has been copied.

BUT when opening the file with MultiViewer, there is no noise. So I am wondering, if it might not be a hw issue but rather a software.

EDIT: If opening the file and saving as with MultiViewer, I get a resulting file with no noise.

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Re: Ramdisk failing on X5000
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Just can't stay away


Sorry, my bad. I don't have access to it. Let's just end the discussion here.

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Re: Ramdisk failing on X5000
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Just can't stay away

@abalaban @colinw

Versions :

- dos.library.kmod.debug 54.121
- kernel.debug 54.56
- ram-handler.kmod 54.26

I don't have a serial hook up, so I can't see serial output during boot.

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Re: New verson of CLiB2 from Andrea (afxgroup)
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Just can't stay away


while they are unloaded with NO DEBUG....

That makes no sense. Have your checked the debug output of elf.library to see, why they fail to load?

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Re: New verson of CLiB2 from Andrea (afxgroup)
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Just can't stay away


Just a thought : The file constructor, that you are talking about - is it instantiated inside libc.so or in the main executable?

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Re: New verson of CLiB2 from Andrea (afxgroup)
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Just can't stay away


How is the file constructor instantiated? Can you post the code here?

Of course I can't debug it because no serial output..


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