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Main : Hardware A crusty shot of a hack 2 pieces a500+a530

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A crusty shot of a hack 2 pieces a500+a530
A crusty shot of a hack 2 pieces a500+a530Popular
SubmitterzantMore Photos from zant   CategoryHardware   Last Update2006/12/3 22:35
Hits6240 Comments9   
a shot of the a500 and a530 i intend to put in a low prowfile ibm aptiva case..

next shots uploaded will be better and of innards with the "custom" boards and the full 030 on a 030ec board(gvp a530's only came with a cut down cpu!)

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Author Thread
Published: 2006/12/3 22:51  Updated: 2006/12/3 22:51
Just popping in
Joined: 11/28/2006
Comments: 56
 Re: A crusty shot of a hack 2 pieces a500+a530
Ah, this looks so familiar! The A530 is the love of my life, simply one of the best hardware expansion devices ever produced by mankind!
Is that an Amiga 500+ you are using there? I can't wait for the next photos that you promised.
Published: 2006/12/4 0:11  Updated: 2006/12/4 0:11
Just popping in
Joined: 11/27/2006
Comments: 47
 Re: A crusty shot of a hack 2 pieces a500+a530
this a530 has no "game switch" just tape
and just to prove amigas are invunrable i think the trapdoor cover is missing and its just duct tape
Published: 2006/12/4 12:09  Updated: 2006/12/4 12:09
Not too shy to talk
Joined: 11/22/2006
From: P'Boro, UK... Could that be ?
Comments: 496
 Re: A crusty shot of a hack 2 pieces a500+a530
ahhhhh, memories !

The picture is a bit dark tough... Or maybe I just need to turn the contrast of my monitor a lot higher ?

Published: 2006/12/5 0:31  Updated: 2006/12/5 0:31
Just popping in
Joined: 11/27/2006
Comments: 47
 Re: A crusty shot of a hack 2 pieces a500+a530
yea sorry dude i meant ADRAM for sale the only IDE i have is a buddha and the XT on the 590
Published: 2006/12/5 12:59  Updated: 2006/12/5 12:59
Just popping in
Joined: 12/01/2006
From: Madison Avenue, New York
Comments: 90
 Re: A crusty shot of a hack 2 pieces a500+a530
No worries!

I'll keep looking - it's a nice set-up anyway - but there are specific and compelling reasons why I need IDE for my A500.
Published: 2006/12/5 16:34  Updated: 2006/12/5 16:34
Home away from home
Joined: 11/20/2006
From: Norway
Comments: 3847
 Re: A crusty shot of a hack 2 pieces a500+a530
You know what I upgraded from A500 directly to AmigaOne
(Well I did use Linux a few years on the PC, after I killed my Amiga500, but let?s forget about that.)
Published: 2006/12/6 4:38  Updated: 2006/12/6 4:38
Just popping in
Joined: 12/05/2006
Comments: 124
 Re: A crusty shot of a hack 2 pieces a500+a530
Is that a picture of a picture?
Published: 2006/12/21 2:45  Updated: 2006/12/21 2:45
Amigans Defender
Joined: 11/18/2006
From: Flinders NSW Australia
Comments: 772
 Re: A crusty shot of a hack 2 pieces a500+a530
it definatley looks like a picture of a picture to me too
Published: 2006/12/23 17:59  Updated: 2006/12/23 17:59
Just popping in
Joined: 11/27/2006
Comments: 47
 Re: A crusty shot of a hack 2 pieces a500+a530
me be thinking i uploaded the wrong pic and that IS a pic of a pic on one of my laptops..
but yes that is my setup

now if i could find the original....

and i thought i had to much spare time....

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