For the Next Week, 25% of ZitaFTP Server Sales to be Donated to RNOXfer Author

Date 2020/4/6 10:26:05 | Topic: Tutorials

Thanks to RNOXfer, we finally have a secure FTP client for AmigaOS to complement ZitaFTP Server.

ZitaFTP Server's usefulness was somewhat limited due to the lack of a secure FTP client for AmigaOS. This obvious lack is no more, so you can now perform secure FTP transfers between Amigas (and other OSes too).

As a thank you for RNOXfer, 25% of every ZitaFTP purchase for the next week (up to Tuesday 14 April 2020) will be donated to RNOXfer's author.

Click here for the official announcement.


This article comes from The Amigans website

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