cha05e90 Icons 2010-3

Date 2010/12/22 14:30:00 | Topic: Software News

A fresh, new and winterly upload of my third 64x64 pixel icon package to OS4Depot:

Download link: [url][/url]

This is the third release of new and re-worked icons fitting to the official OS4.1 Update 1 look (64x64 pixel 32Bit).
Included are more than 200 new icon files, i.e.:

def_icons (more than 90 new and/or updated default icons),
drawer icons (Colour Drawers, Ghostscript, ...),
single application icons (Tablet, ConFont, Uninstall, WBMakeLink, Scout, ...),
full package icon sets (PageStream4, STFax, AmigaWriter, StarAm Plan ...),
some games drawer and executable icons (UFO:AI, Freespace, ...),
new AISS derived tool bar for PicShow, alpha'd tool bar for AmiFIG.os4,
slightly updated Wet Theme Version 2.*

*already published here: [url][/url]

This article comes from The Amigans website

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